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Ban list - Printable Version

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RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 01-04-2017

Who: Sniper Rifle
How Long: Until I get back the cards he picked up without any reaction Until <Witty Commment Here>
Why: Botting outside his creator Kiel D-01's factory

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 01-15-2017

Who: Sheam, Sheamzilla, GoHappyTime, vendplox, etc.
How Long: Forever
Why: Harassment of players on and off heRO, along with disrespect of other players, and multiple conversations about 3rd party program use in open chat, for good measure.

Several reports have come in, and the player has not made any improvement in such behavior. All the contrary, it has gotten worse recently. An overwhelming amount of reports and evidence was received, for which the GM Team has come to the conclusion that said player and all related accounts will be banned. The player has also been issued a 70% warning on the forum, meaning a single new incident on these forums will result in a ban from here as well, which are permanent as well.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 04-16-2017

Who: Sarracenia, Rose Priestess, Lemon Pie, and Related Accounts
How Long: Forever
Why: GRF Edits to use skills faster.

Who: Xeane and Related Accounts
How Long: Forever
Why: Excessive harassment to other players, impersonation attempts, and much more. Note: Not the first time this occurs, as he's already been banned two times before for harassment. See here and here for more info.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 04-17-2017

Who: Bote Dyaryo, etc.
How Long: Forever
Why: More threats, more harassment, insulting other players (See previous post's 2nd ban)

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 04-18-2017

Who: V4G, P3N
How Long: 1 Day+Character Deletion
Why: See Below

Who: 1N4, 1535
How Long: 1 Day+Character Deletion
Why: See Above

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 04-26-2017

Who: Stoned Champ, Stoned Creo, and Related Accounts
How Long: Forever
Why: Trading items for real money

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 05-13-2017

Who: Love Me Like i Do
How Long: Forever
Why: GM Impersonation to obtain personal information from players (same as last few impersonation bans)

Who: .Syotic., GM-Ciar., GM-aewraew
How Long: Forever
Why: Take a guess

[Image: impersonator.png]

RE: Ban list - GM-Rahice - 05-16-2017

Who: Im From VietNam !ok!, Kiuler, GreenMechant, MechantBlue, etc.
How Long: Forever
Why: Illegal GRF Edits

Who: Pyan, Ka-Ching
How Long: Forever
Why: Illegal GRF Edits

Who: Alamat, Eggz, Eiluned, Ipressed8, Matinee IdoL, and all associated accounts.
How Long: Forever
Why: Illegal GRF Edits
Note: This is the third time this player has been banned for cheating.

We remind players that Third Party Programs and certain GRF Modifications are illegal. Please submit a ticket if you suspect someone of cheating.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 05-20-2017

Who: Music Teacher/Flying Shadow, Mayuki Inoue
How Long: Forever
Why: Dual Clienting at Hill Winds (ra_fild06, north of Lighthalzen)

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 05-21-2017

Who: Vladmiyr Offenseive
How Long: Eternity
Why: GM Impersonation

Who: CrazyUproar, Griffen
How Long: Eternity
Why: GM Impersonation