heRO-Server Forum
Ban list - Printable Version

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RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 05-25-2017

Who: Bowling Bash Kill
How Long: Infinity
Why: GM Impersonation

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 06-07-2017

Who: Deaf But Hear Me
How Long: Infinity
Why: GM Impersonation

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 06-07-2017

Update, on behalf of Pandora:

GM-Pandora Wrote:Regarding the third ban of the player known as Matinee IdoL (link here), we want to make it public that any further rulebreak by said player will result not only in the ban of all the accounts he's used, but also that he will be added to the short list of players who are forever banned as a person and never welcome back to the server.

Please be advised that account sharing is not recommended by the GM team.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 06-30-2017

Who: Pandoras Box Open
How Long: Eternity
Why: GM Impersonation

As a reminder, GMs will not ask for your account info, or other personal information. We will also not create chat rooms to talk to you. If we must talk to a player, we will PM you or warp near you and talk in public chat.

If someone claims to be a GM, simply ask for proof. Currently, all active heRO GMs (Pandora, Garr, Rahice, Luna, Abathur, Ciar) can spawn monsters, nuke, or warp players around.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 07-27-2017

Who: VietNam90
How Long: 3 Months Forum Ban plus apology via support ticket
Why: Endlessly bashing others, throwing mud, constant baseless accusations of others, etc.

Forum bans have no effect on ingame accounts. Forum-banned players can still log into heRO and play, as long as they behave there. However, attempting to bypass this forum ban by using another forum account will have ingame consequences.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 08-12-2017

Who: Kellie, Goldhunter
How Long: Forever
Why: Dual Clienting

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 08-18-2017

Who: Kiuler
How Long: Same as previous forum ban
Why: Bypassing said forum ban

PS: I really can't tell if you're just trolling, stupidly stubborn, or really cannot understand what a ban means.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 08-25-2017

Who: DragonComeHomeOfShrimp
How Long: 3 Days
Why: Going over the Dead Branch limit on the Amatsu Field DB room (spawned over 400)

Reminder: Please don't spawn more than 200 mobs per map, be it mushrooms, branches, etc: http://www.pandoraonline.net/heRO_wiki/index.php?title=Server_rules#Mushroom.2FPlant.2FDB_Limit

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 02-09-2018

Who: Zan
How Long: 3 Days
Why: Going over the dead branch limit on the amatsu field DB room (Spawned over 1,800)

Reminder: Please don't spawn more than 200 mobs per map, be it mushrooms, branches, etc.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 05-12-2018

Who: ~Sophie~
How Long: Infinity
Why: Life Model Decoy (Botting)