heRO-Server Forum
Ban list - Printable Version

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RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 05-22-2018

Who: Salvja, Mintha, Moon WaffIe, and others
How Long: Eternity
Why: Illegal Self-Replication Sorcery (Dual Clienting)

RE: Ban list - GM-Rahice - 07-22-2018

Who: Sheam
How Long: Permanent Forum Ban
Why: Player Harassment, Inappropriate Behavior, Recurring Harassment, Etc.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 07-22-2018

Who: Zan
Why: Abusing Glitch in WoE where somehow a closed castle can be entered and conquered.
How Long: 6 Months, plus an apology via support ticket, along with a detailed explanation of how the bug or glitch occurs and how to reproduce it.

Who: Amaziah
Why: Abusing Glitch in WoE where somehow a closed castle can be entered and conquered.
How Long: 6 Months, plus an apology via support ticket, along with a detailed explanation of how the bug or glitch occurs and how to reproduce it.

Any future abuse of this glitch/bug/issue by any player, will result in a permanent ban of the account that committed the offense, as well as any related account. And trust me when I say any related account, it means anything that has the offender's email or IP on it, or is known to be logged by them, shared account or not.

To clarify: While a closed castle can be conquered by abusing this as of yet unknown glitch in the WoE script, the treasure rooms stay barren. This means no loot can be obtained from them, at all.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 07-30-2018

Who: rebuser (forum) / micr0, Robbie Ruffhouse (ingame)
How Long: Permanent Forum Ban (Again), and 3 months ingame Ban
Why: Bypassing forum ban by using an alternate account

Reminder that attempting to bypass forum bans will result in ingame punishments.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 08-21-2018

Who: micr0, Robbie Ruffhouse, Sheam, etc.
How Long: Permanent Ingame Ban of all existing accounts
Why: Harassment of Other Players, Sexual Harassment of Other Players, giant accumulation of stuff from the past few months and beyond.

Regarding the latest ban of the player known as Sheam: The player has been warned and punished time after time since he started playing in heRO in 2016, for a variety of reasons including but not limited to cheating, disrespect towards other players, harassment, and so on and so forth. The consequences of his actions upon other players has been explained in the past, but the player's behavior has not improved. In fact, recidivism has increased in recent times.

The GM team and all its members want to make it public that even the slightest further rulebreak by said player will result not only in the ban of all the accounts he's used or logged into, but also that he will be added to the short list of players who are forever banned as a person and never welcome back to the server.

We want to make this very clear, to avoid confusion and long unintelligible rants via support tickets plagued with attempts at getting unbanned via loopholes or specific choice of GMs words: Any further rulebreak, the slightest, will be met upon by the final ban, in which the player is not allowed back in heRO or any related medium in any way, shape or form imaginable. Be advised that not reporting a fully banned player that tries to access HeRO will also be met upon by severe punishment.

The GM team also want to stress that sexual harassment is not acceptable in any situation, even if it is online and not in person. That should not require a rule in an online game to be stated out loud. That is simply part of being a decent human being.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 09-16-2018

Who: Dr. Dre, Crucifixtion, ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!, TheGodOfRagnarokOnline
How Long: Forever
Why: Dual Clienting

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 11-06-2018

Who: Samurai Setai ShinkenVN, Kiuler, Welcome to VietNam!OK!
How Long: 2 Weeks
Why: Advertising Other Servers, Another Instance of involvement/promoting/whatever real life money trades and being very public about it.


RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 12-06-2018

Who: FullOutNowOrNever
How Long: Forever
Why: GM Impersonation (Same one as the many previous ones in 2017)

As a reminder, GMs will not ask for your account info, or other personal information. We will also not create chat rooms to talk to you. If we must talk to a player, we will PM you or warp near you and talk in public chat.

If someone claims to be a GM, simply ask for proof. Real heRO GMs can spawn monsters or nuke you to prove their legitimacy.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 12-07-2018

Who: WinnerTakeNowMakeAll
How Long: Forever, again
Why: GM Impersonation, scamming players for private info, bypassing bans

Same person as above trying the exact same thing after stalking our players in discord based on who is online.

Again I must emphasize, GMs in heRO will always prove our identity via things that players cannot do, such as nuking, being small, or casting spells beyond what is normally possible. On top of it, we never ask for your hero account or personal information.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 12-09-2018

Who: MakingTroubleForFun
How Long: Forever
Why: GM Impersonation, Scam Attempts

Same player as the above impersonation bans and the ones from 2017.