heRO-Server Forum
Ban list - Printable Version

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RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 10-24-2019

Who: Yona~~, Kosaki~, etc.
How Long: 1 Month 1 Week
Why: Player harassment. Racist and Offensive comments against people from Jordan. To be specific, this person referred to them as slaves on more than one occasion on main chat, and told a player she thought was from Jordan to be ready to become a slave.

This player has been banned before for item theft, begging (for accounts), and swearing at others. If the player's behavior worsens or there is any recidivism or other violation of the rules, they will receive a lengthier ban on all related accounts.

Update Oct 31 2019, ~12:00 PM EST: After receiving more screenshots regarding an exchange of words in @Main, which contained comments not in the initial report, we have downgraded the ban to a player harassment one.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 11-15-2019

Who: Trevon, liminf, Horus Nullbuilt, etc.
How Long: 3 days 1 Day
Why: Did not report a bug with the Bee Wing item in which Royal Jelly could drop at higher rates.

This issue was brought to the GM team's attention today, where the above player discovered the bug and did not report it, instead warning others to be careful not to accidentally have the bug fixed. Edited due to misunderstanding on GM-Ciar's part.

We checked the logs, and there was no significant flood of Royal Jelly, only less than 200 total obtained, spread out across several different players (not the banned player) who were passively farming in mostly low level fields. To clarify: The banned player did not exploit or abuse this bug, he simply discovered it but did not notify GMs about it.

This bug has since been fixed.

As a reminder: Failure to report a bug or abuse is considered a violation of the Server Rules.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 01-27-2020

Who: Omeletin, Meletin
How Long: 1 Week Discord Ban
Why: Repeated inappropriate behavior, usually towards females, constant nsfw comments

Reminder that discord bans, as implied in its name, only apply to heRO's discord server. Players banned from discord are still free to play the game or use the forum.

However, similar to forum bans, any attempt to access heRO's discord server before the ban period is over, is punishable with ingame ban time. This includes joining with alternate accounts, friends' accounts, etc.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 01-28-2020

Who: GM-Event, GM-aer, Testing First Always
How Long: Forever
Why: GM Impersonation

Who: Hey32#4300 (Discord Name)
How Long: Forever
Why: Relation to GM Impersonation

Who: dmtmhere (Ingame)
How Long: Forever
Why: Relation to GM Impersonation

Who: Perfectionist, Hari (Ingame)
How Long: Forever
Why: Relation to GM Impersonation

This GM Impersonator is the same that's stopped by heRO sporadically for the past few years. Their modus operandi involves asking their targets if they are "from asia", and/or offering to turn them into GMs, and/or asking to download Team Viewer or some mediafire link to an .exe.

Most recently, they created a new ingame account and changed their game to have GM sprite, the kind of change that only they can see, but not everyone else. They also created discord accounts, one of which was named "Sectaewt#9755", and copied our profile pictures, but spectacularly failed in explaining the need for "secret" "interview" accounts that used the same visible name and avatar. If you were messaged by this person we recommend reporting them to discord for spam: https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000291932-How-to-Properly-Report-Issues-to-Trust-Safety

Again, heRO's GM team would like to remind that GMs will NEVER ask you to download Teamviewer, and will NEVER ask for your account info (passwords) or bank information. A real GM will be able to nuke you, spawn monsters, or speak on the #announcement channel in discord.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 01-30-2020

Who: Astral#4185 / CM Astra#4185 (Discord Names), Loyalist (Ingame), Killer Me (Ingame)
How Long: Forever
Why: GM Impersonation (of iRO Community Manager), and of heRO GMs (same scammer from the previous post).

If you were messaged by this person on Discord and received the usual kind of promises, you can report them to Discord for scam.

You can also add a "Note" by clicking them, to identify them as the scammer in case they rename themselves and try to contact you again.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 06-13-2020

Who: Nyuu, Roonstar#9074
How Long: 1 Month Discord Ban + Support Ticket agreeing to follow the server and discord rules
Why: Ignored warnings to stop talking about sensitive racial topics on the memes channel, despite said channel topic clearly saying to keep it free of racially and religiously sensitive material. Then proceeded to victimize himself and challenged authority saying he's being silenced.

Reminder that discord bans, as implied in its name, only apply to heRO's discord server. Players banned from discord are still free to play the game or use the forum.

However, similar to forum bans, any attempt by banned players to access heRO's discord server before the ban period is over, is punishable with ingame ban time. This includes joining with alternate accounts, friends' accounts, etc.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 06-28-2020

Who: Andor, megacopy#2468, andor#9193
How Long: 1 Day
Why: Begging

It's one thing to ask for the directions to an NPC. Repeatedly asking for more and more links to quests after they've just been provided and expecting hand-holding through each guide is something else entirely.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 09-11-2020

Who: Zurtek/Insourmountable Indignation#7195
How Long: One Forever
Why: Sexism. And the profile status supporting abortion/castration/genocide of those with different ideals didn't help his case.

Reminder that discord bans, as implied in its name, only apply to heRO's discord server. Players banned from discord are still free to play the game or use the forum.

However, similar to forum bans, any attempt by banned players to access heRO's discord server is punishable with ingame and forum bans. This includes joining with alternate accounts, friends' accounts, etc.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 10-13-2020

Who: FuZyWuzzy
How Long: Forever
Why: GM Impersonation

Again, heRO's GM team would like to remind that GMs will never ask for your account info (passwords) or bank information, or to download programs such as teamviewer. A real GM will be able to nuke you, warp you, or spawn monsters.

Thanks to all players that reported it!

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 10-25-2020

Who: megacopy#0079 (AKA Andor)
How Long: Permanent Discord Ban
Why: Constantly getting into fights with people (On Oct. 25 he argued with about a dozen people at the same time), and new instances of begging since their previous ban.

Reminder: This player is no longer allowed on the heRO discord. They can still play the game or use the forum, but attempting to bypass the ban by creating new Discord accounts or using friends' accounts will result in in-game bans.