heRO-Server Forum
Ban list - Printable Version

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RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 03-28-2021

Who: Welcome DNVN, Kiuler, I love DNVN
How Long: 1 week
Why: Griefing, kill stealing from another party when requested multiple times to stop

Record of player bans from the past:
May 2017, July 2017, Nov 2018, May 2019, May 2019 (again), Aug 2019

This does not include any ingame actions such as mutes and warnings already. Including those, the list would be even longer.

While normally such an offense does not deserve this long or this severe of a punishment, this player has many repeated offenses throughout the history of heRO. This player should be VERY well acquainted with the rules. The Aug 2019 offense was clearly stated to be "last warning" already, and that any further offense will lead to a permanent ban. I considered enforcing the permanent ban, however given that we passed 2020 without any issues, we will give this player one leniency *yet again*. I have downgraded the permanent ban to a 1 week account ban.

You are once again back on the final strike: one offense of any sort, and the account will receive a permanent ban.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 08-07-2021

Who: Yona, Cute Hunter, and all related accounts
How Long: Permanent
Why: Real money trade attempts

Record of player bans from the past: 5 times in 2019

With long history of running into problems with rules in the past, this player should know heRO's rules very well and there is no excuse for real money trade attempts. Real life money trade is strictly forbidden in heRO. All accounts related and accessed in recent month have been banned as a result.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 08-20-2021

Who: guin0x_punch
How Long: 1 day
Why: mob dropping on another player unprovoked in attempt to kill the player to eliminate competition.

Please review our server rules that while MVPs are FFA, you are not allowed to try to kill the other players or hinder their access to the MVP, such as using portals or trapping the player in ice wall. The mob drop rule specifically said "Players are not allowed to drop monsters on other players, this includes MVPs."

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 09-20-2021

Who: @sura
How Long: 1 day
Why: mob dropping on another player in attempt to kill the player to eliminate competition.

Who: liminf
How Long: 1 day
Why: mob dropping on another player in attempt to kill the player to eliminate competition.

Please review our server rules that while MVPs are FFA, you are not allowed to try to kill the other players or hinder their access to the MVP. The mob drop rule specifically said "Players are not allowed to drop monsters on other players, this includes MVPs."

We understand the circumstance in question may result in a few stray mobs that may follow players into the mvp's fixed spawn point. However, given the amount shown in the submitted evidence, it is beyond the reasonable 2-4 strays that followed into the room, and it looks deliberate that the offending players are trying to drop the mobs into the room and on to another player who is challenging the mvp.

There is supposedly a 3rd player who participated in this, but as screenshots do not show the name of any 3rd player, we have discarded the 3rd accusation due to insufficient evidence.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 09-21-2021

Who: penitz
How Long: 1 day
Why: mob dropping on another player in attempt to kill the player to eliminate competition.

The provided video is clear that the offender lured a champ mob on to a mvp competitor then fly winged away with full intention to eliminate the competition. Regardless of guilds, GMs will carry out the same penalty to any rule breakers once sufficient evidence is provided.

Ban reverted due to recent rule change.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 09-21-2021

New rule has been placed in effect, and punishments handed out that would be impacted by the rule change will be carried out retroactively.

To read about the rule change, see this post here: http://www.pandoraonline.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=1027&pid=306244#pid306244

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 10-19-2021

Who: Slabb
How Long: 1 day
Why: general toxicity on Main, excessive cursing and flaming to players and server alike

Normally, we would mute or jail only for players who are flaming other players, but to reach a point where multiple GMs got 5+ DMs on discord simultaneously to request for GM interference should indicate badly how things went on Main.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 10-24-2021

Who: Slabb
How Long: 5 days forum ban
Why: general toxicity yet again

You don't have to like what a forum's response is from other players, but that gives you no rights to flame back using derogatory terms and hurl insults. You certainly check the forum a lot with a lot of vested interest~

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 01-21-2022

How Long: Until the player submits a support ticket agreeing to follow the server rules and to delete the character (Lv. 12 Archer).
Why: Inappropriate Character Name

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 05-14-2022

Who: OmSoHum7287#8495, OmSoHum7287
How Long: Ingame + Discord
Why: inappropriate behavior, nsfw comments, unwanted advances after clear "no", sexual harassment to another female player

Being drunk or personal background does not give anyone a right or free pass to behave inappropriately to other players.

Reminder that discord bans, as implied in its name, only apply to heRO's discord server. Players banned from discord are still free to play the game or use the forum.

However, similar to forum bans, any attempt to access heRO's discord server before the ban period is over, is punishable with ingame ban time. This includes joining with alternate accounts, friends' accounts, etc.

Update: People who attempt to use "woe is me" and guilt tripping on people as part of sexual predator shouldn't be in our community at all and not just discord. Changed to full ban.