heRO-Server Forum
Ban list - Printable Version

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RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 05-25-2022

Who: AKO'Y ISANG VENDER, Chizcurls, Finder's Keepers, also known as Seshy
How Long: 1 day
Why: inappropriate behavior- vending in town at inappropriate spots; autotrade shop name used to insult GM-Rahice

We always give players second chances such that if you were banned, you can start over with a brand new account if you want. However if you are holding a long grudge against the gm that banned you the first time back in 2013 now in the year 2022, you should really re-think if you want to come back to this server or why you want to play here again...

If you are willing and promise to behave from this point onward, we welcome you back after a day to chill out. If not, perhaps you should go spend your time elsewhere.

GM-Ciar edit:

Added 2 more merchants that were hidden among other vendors in Prontera.

RE: Ban list - GM-Aki - 06-16-2022

Who: The Last Samurai
How Long: Permanent account ban 3 day ban
Why: AFK Hydra hunting

Read the rules and follow the rules of the server please.

GM-Ayu+Ciar Edit: After GM deliberation and talking to the offending player, we have lowered the ban from permanent to 3 days. This is because we now have an anti-AFK farming protection, in which AFK Killers stop autolooting after a certain time. Therefore, the player did not obtain any items shortly after going AFK.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 09-18-2022

Considering that it's 30 days shy of 2 years, I've unbanned Andor from discord to give things another try... though if things still don't work out now, we'll reinstate the full discord ban.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 10-10-2022

Who: Kamu
How Long: 1 day
Why: Fabre tame griefing

Purposely killing fabres, following another player during the minigame and tame/kill the same fabres to prevent another player from succeeding in the minigame is certainly a sign of griefing and not something we want to see in the server. We are banning the main account of the IP associated since the novice event character is obviously deleted.

RE: Ban list - GM-Pereca - 10-19-2022

Who: Alive And Kicking
How Long: Forever
Why: GM Impersonation

As a reminder, GMs will not ask for your account info, or other personal information. We will also not create chat rooms to talk to you. If we must talk to a player, we will PM you or warp near you and talk in public chat.

If someone claims to be a GM, simply ask for proof. Real heRO GMs can spawn monsters or nuke you to prove their legitimacy.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 11-23-2022

Who: Mumen Rider
How Long: 5 Days
Why: Griefing by interfering with players' red health builds (healing them and causing them to deal less damage)

Who: Kharza Kzad
How Long: 3 Days
Why: MVP Griefing
Note: This does NOT fall under the MVP rule but under the final, griefing rule. Teleporting an MVP over and over and causing fights to be delayed for over an hour, can be muddy waters to tread, but when it happens repeatedly and constantly by different players we unfortunately have to start considering that it might not just be isolated incidents.
Edit for clarification: Specifying that the constant teleporting issue has happened with multiple players, not the banned player in particular. Most of them were just fortunate enough not to be recorded.

Who: Ange (#unnerfclaymore) / Will#8627 (Discord Name)
How Long: 5 Days Discord Timeout
Why: Talking down on players over their builds, gears, and gameplay choices, etc.


These are from reports from some time ago that were under discussion for a while. We're aware of the recent tensions and conflict when it comes to MVPs and outside PVP and GVG in general. We've asked nicely to please play by the rules and consider how your actions can affect the server. When that doesn't happen, we have to stop working on content to focus on situations that were unnecessary to begin with.

Any comments or objections by the banned players should be directly in tickets and NOT in the public discord groups, ingame channels or in any specific GMs DMs.

We are also aware and have received reports of possible cheating by GRF tampering as well as harassment on channels such as @main, Discord (especially marketplace and questions), and in towns or through private chat. They are also under investigation but we'd like to warn those who might be comitting these acts or considering them to please think of yourself and others and play the game fairly. This game isn't to get bullied or to abuse the system. In the end these actions all come back to you and your friends in an endlessly escalating loop of bullying and abuse.

We hope this is enough of a clear message that these behaviors are not accepted and we need to honestly cool it if we want to continue a healthy enjoyment of this server. We're not a massive server and RO isn't as big of a game these days, let's not drive people away on top of everything else.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 12-03-2022

Who: Lalaith
How Long: 3 Days
Why: Item Theft

Note: The item was returned to the player.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 01-15-2023

Who: Keigo
How Long: 30 Days
Why: Failure to report severe bug and abuse of said abug, in which it allowed characters to deal massive, unintended damage.

Note: The bug in question has been fixed. We'd like to take the opportunity to remind players of the server rules when it comes to bugs. Please report them through the support ticket system. Failure to do so, and even worse, abuse of said bug, is considered cheating.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 01-19-2023

Who: Kokuu
How Long: Permanent Forum Ban
Why: Spam

RE: Ban list - GM-Ciar - 02-21-2023

Who: Keigo
How Long: Upgraded from 30 Days to permanent ban on all accounts
Why: Failure to report severe bug and abuse of said bug, in which it allowed characters to deal massive, unintended damage.

Originally when this exploit was discovered, we decided that a 30 day ban would be sufficient based on previous bans of a similar nature. However, after a reevaluation of all the details reported from other players and looking into the full extent that Keigo abused this bug, the GM Team has decided to ban all of Keigo's current accounts permanently.

I take personal responsibility and apologize for not evaluating all the details at first, and promise on my part to be more careful and thorough in the future.

Note: The bug in question has been fixed. We'd like to take the opportunity to remind players of the server rules when it comes to bugs. Please report them through the support ticket system. Failure to do so, and even worse, abuse of said bug, is considered cheating.