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Ban list - Printable Version

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RE: Ban list - GM-Boomy - 12-15-2005

Banned Ghost, banned for advertising another server (that doesn't even exist...)

RE: Ban list - GM-Feith - 01-19-2006

Temporary banned Mr.Snipes/Mr.Sader four days for cursing and bad mouthing on players. This is the second punition for Mr. Snipes. If there is another fault committed this will result as a suppression of his account.

RE: Ban list - GM-Boomy - 01-23-2006

Mr Snipes is gone for good on the forum. Looks like he can't behave correctly. His account will also be deleted soon.

RE: Ban list - GM-Feith - 02-04-2006

Mr. Snipes is banned forever ingame, he broke the rules once again by advertising his RO Server.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ben - 02-07-2006

IGN: Coconut | Peanut | Ueki | Old card | Muffin o' Fury
Botting at the thara frogs using character Muffin o' Fury
Noticed by: GM-Ben

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 03-07-2006

Did a good bot hunt today, founds lots! All were from Finland.

Here are the IGN of the people who's account have been banned.

Chips/Yeallow (botted at Comodo cave)
PomppiDee/PippeNau (botted at Comodo cave)
banaanin harharetki (botted at pyramid) -> Also banned all his other chars: White, Supportive Banana, Doomed Quest and marco.

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 03-23-2006

GM-Aegis found a bot today.

The bot is from germany and had 4 botting accounts logged at the same time! XD

Have been banned: Nanja, ManiaC, Kaiser, Mamini and ToolDealer.

There will be a event today at 3 PM to drop the bot's stuff (a few cards, herbs, stones and equips ^_^)

RE: Ban list - GM-Boomy - 04-18-2006

Banned Zyph, botted of 4 account at the same time. Healing his mob, keep on hitting, sent to jail, no reaction, then the bot crashed at the same time with 3 others account, all the same password IP Icon_razz

RE: Ban list - GM-Ben - 04-20-2006

Character named Melvin II was caught botting, other character related to this account: Wizard of Oz. Both were banned.

Thanks to Alyphin for reporting.


RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 07-10-2006

Banned Iron Men for botting in Culvert. Dropped his equip in Prontera.