heRO-Server Forum
New People to the Server - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

RE: New People to the Server - hongphooey - 08-05-2017

Welcome to the server. We are a pretty tight nit group of people that mostly have a full time job and play when there's free time. We are also scattered all around the world so activity is pretty spotty. I hope to see you guys around. Hopefully we can party or something.

RE: New People to the Server - torilynn07 - 08-05-2017


RE: New People to the Server - Spire - 08-05-2017

Welcome to the server! If you or any of your friends have any questions feel free to ask.

RE: New People to the Server - GM-Rahice - 08-08-2017

Welcome Welcome! (sorry for the late hello!)

RE: New People to the Server - GM-Luna - 08-11-2017

Hi, again!