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I got suggestions - Printable Version

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RE: I got suggestions - Logester - 01-09-2009 01:07 AM

I'm confused what's meant by the night one... it already goes dark when you're outside in night mode...

RE: I got suggestions - Former-GM-Mystra - 01-09-2009 01:07 AM

Can't decide anything on my own, but wouldn't the blue effect cause trouble? I mean, if you actually use soul-links, the only way to see if the effect is off is with that blue color since there is no buff icon, plus, some Star Gladiator's effect also only show up by the blue effect without any skill icons!

RE: I got suggestions - Frogboy - 01-09-2009 01:52 AM

the only blue effect i can think of mystra is break fall, otherwise warmth skills give a reddish glow, and there's really not much else as far as i'm aware. the only blue we'd get is from soul link, and then that is gone once union is used.

RE: I got suggestions - Former-GM-Mystra - 01-09-2009 02:56 PM

Star Gladiator can activate there warmth skills on any map when the guardian angel smiles upon them, and the effect to tell the player that is if they glow blue.

RE: I got suggestions - Sakurato - 01-09-2009 03:03 PM

For guild palettes just make it like guild lv15 required or something

RE: I got suggestions - Kaoreii - 01-09-2009 03:25 PM

I like the guild palette idea myself!

( plus we have Rika, who makes the best palettes ever Love )

RE: I got suggestions - Frogboy - 01-09-2009 03:33 PM

but you know darn well enough mystra the chances of that skill activating lol

RE: I got suggestions - Monkey Feet - 01-09-2009 06:44 PM

Pyronic Wrote:2 Suggestions

Icon_smile1= When night time comes can we get like a soul llink effect to make it seem like the moon is shining down?

Icon_suprised2= Is it possible to get Guild Palletes? Wich would mean guild members can use their own palettes? (we would make them ourselfs) I find it would add epic to it. (Not to mention Akuma sign is to badass)

Cry3= Give cast time to hommuns.

Icon_twisted4= Crazy town invasion in Yuno!

Ok5= Open a new castle for WoE. I think the server is getting big eanough.

1= That'd be awethum

2= = P That wouldn't be TOO bad, but yesh, Akuma's sign is badass, nuff said Icon_cool

3= Yea Icon_cry

4= Sweat

5= Ok

GM Mystria Wrote:Star Gladiator can activate there warmth skills on any map when the guardian angel smiles upon them, and the effect to tell the player that is if they glow blue.

Actually, it's when Buddah gets drunk and releases his fat belly powers to us Icon_cool

RE: I got suggestions - GM-Pandora - 01-09-2009 07:42 PM

1: nope
2: I'll think about it, I had the idea of selling one before in fairy auction but ended up not doing it yet.
3: nope
4: maybe, depends on each GM's preference, there's been event in yuno before.
5: no I don't think we're big enough yet.

Thanks for your suggestions. Icon_smile

RE: I got suggestions - Pyronic - 01-09-2009 08:19 PM

yea no probleme Icon_biggrin