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Non-Trans PVP - Printable Version

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RE: Non-Trans PVP - KrazeEKrakker - 02-06-2009

Why is non trans woe stupid when you can always make a beastly 99 2nd class and participate in what woe used to be. If you don't like it, don't woe it. If you don't like nontrans pvp, don't go in. The way I see it is either way it should be implemented. If you can seperate woe, then why say itd be a waste to seperate pvp. If its that much of a waste, take out the nontrans woe for obviously everyone so far is against it.

@aaronock : why so a sinx can edp and come slaughter everyone at the peak of fun?

RE: Non-Trans PVP - conch - 02-06-2009

KrazeEKrakker Wrote:Why is non trans woe stupid when you can always make a beastly 99 2nd class and participate in what woe used to be. If you don't like it, don't woe it. If you don't like nontrans pvp, don't go in. The way I see it is either way it should be implemented. If you can seperate woe, then why say itd be a waste to seperate pvp. If its that much of a waste, take out the nontrans woe for obviously everyone so far is against it.

@aaronock : why so a sinx can edp and come slaughter everyone at the peak of fun?

mind you... it's actually quite hard to farm for edp bottles (except for a few maybe)

RE: Non-Trans PVP - Ultima_Pi - 02-06-2009

Or make PVP 2 Nontrans exclusive. I can't personally say I've ever seen more than 15 people in room 1 anyways.

But I don't WoE, so the post-WoE situation may be different. Or non-existent.

RE: Non-Trans PVP - Aaronock - 02-06-2009

I meant if you are going to complain about the trans in pvp 1, then go to pvp 2 and tell the non trans to go there.

I didn't say I was for or against non trans pvp xP
Some servers do have a non trans pvp room. EDP might not be the top move, but people will still complain about freaking vanilmirths from alchemists killing everyone and monks "asura n00bing" or whatever. I'm sure there is other stuff, I just don't give enough of a crap to think of it all. So yes, there will continue to be flaws even with non trans pvp, but I might go sometimes but probably nobody would hardly ever use the room in all honesty.

You assume also that I have issues with EDP SB Kraze.??I do not, I laugh my ass off when people start spamming that in PvP, in fact, I will continue going in just for them to waste more on me.??Then eventually I'll get bored and stop going. That doesn't mean I will not try to kill them too, it is exciting and fun to play on the edge of your life like that sometimes (as long as you aren't being ganged with it).

I'm not even going to say my opinion on non trans woe as this isn't what the topic is about.

RE: Non-Trans PVP - Alexander - 02-06-2009

I'm with Aaron on this one with the EDP issue. Having had Sin X as a main on most my servers, I know how annoying it is to hunt the materials, especially karvo. If people start EDP SBing in PvP, not only do I find it amusing, but I'll not bother to heal and just walk in with 1 HP so they can waste another bottle on me when they could have easily used throw stone. Try it some time.

On topic though, I see no real benefit to it. You could just as easily use @duel, and I predict the population for those that would use this to be minimal at best. If you're serious about pushing the idea, start a poll. If you can prove there's a market for the idea, it may go somewhere. Until then it's all just speculation.

RE: Non-Trans PVP - KrazeEKrakker - 02-06-2009

Im not saying anything about edp just I've seen it done. And yeah there would still be vanis and asura but at least its from 2nd class not trans. Either way I've only seen people with trans post in this topic and all im saying Is that if there was a nontrans pvp room maybe nontrans would use it. And why @duel that's just a 1on1, im talkin about the fun factor of kickin it old school with just nontrans pvp. If noone uses pvp2 or gvg room then why not make it nontrans so that its there instead of having a room that's not used.

RE: Non-Trans PVP - Aaronock - 02-06-2009

Ironic the statement about EDP come from a guy whose making a Sinx...
I mean seriously, shouldn't matter if we have trans or not, but now you are saying my opinion matters less because I have them.

Why does it matter if the vanils killing you or the asuras killing you come from a second class or not? They are still killing you, and that'll just become the norm to complain about when non transers go in there to fight.

Again, I do not care if a non trans room is made or not, I may go in there occasionally with my non trans, I may not, but either way people will gear up their alts that aren't trans and kick any newbie that will go in there. It takes work to make a 99 non trans, but it takes even more to make a 99 trans. I personally see it as fun when non trans kill trans even, I was doing it back in the day on my sage with horrible gears I admit on top of it.

RE:??Non-Trans PVP - Sakurato - 02-06-2009

Aaronock Wrote:Again, I do not care if a non trans room is made or not, I may go in there occasionally with my non trans, I may not, but either way people will gear up their alts that aren't trans and kick any newbie that will go in there.??It takes work to make a 99 non trans, but it takes even more to make a 99 trans.??I personally see it as fun when non trans kill trans even, I was doing it back in the day on my sage with horrible gears I admit on top of it.??

That is so true.

I know I'd do it.

RE: Non-Trans PVP - KrazeEKrakker - 02-06-2009

Im not complaining in ANY type way I just don't see why there isn't one. And I only use the sinx example because its one of the most used classes and one of the ones that can clear a room fastest. Jesus christ stop saying all this bs and just stop posting. We have your oppinion, you would maybe occasionally use it but pobably not. All I want out of this post is why there should/shouldn't be one and why there isn't one (because people won't use it, but they may!) and personally I could care less if its added or not id still pvp, but I just think itd be a nice addition, even if to see who can pull out the top 2nd classes instead of using the fastest leveling builds to trans asap like the old days of ro. If this thread is just gonna keep being me battling back and forth with you guys, then gms just lock the damn thing and forget about it...

RE: Non-Trans PVP - Aaronock - 02-06-2009

Quote:@aaronock : why so a sinx can edp and come slaughter everyone at the peak of fun?

I slaughter at the peak of fun with fire bolts, I became offended, it just couldn't be helped!
But in all seriousness, we are still debating, you have turned it upside down now by cussing. Poll it, prove to us a non-trans pvp is actually DESIRED by players, and maybe then you can laugh at my face and say "TOLD YOU SO!" Wouldn't that be fun? :D