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Ban list - Printable Version

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RE: Ban list - jman212 - 03-07-2008

whats it got to do with anything..hm.jack shit..just thought I'd get it out thereIcon_suprised

RE: Ban list - Kaoreii - 03-07-2008


I'm not sure which is more entertaining, finally getting the braincells together to work out the last case on Phoenix Wright 1, or watching this thread just effing ASPLODE.

Jason, you know I Love you (you should talk to me more or something, like...MSN? something. Loser >:O Kissy ), and as much as I don't agree with what you said (being the non-confrontational fluffy bunny I am and all), I admire the fact that you're not taking a coward's way out. Kudos, man, srsly.

someone's gotta be on your side, amirite? No1

EDIT - fixed my emote, lawl. And changed my wording. A little. :3

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Auron - 03-07-2008

I wonder why everyone thinks Pan went on a Banning frenzie since, you've guessed it, every GM gave there opinion on the reports received and we all agreed on the punishments. Favortism? Destroying LOA? Jason isn't perma Banned, if we wanted him gone for soooooo long why did we wait to have reports?

We actually spent 9 days to go through every report sent to check eveything said and decide on the punishment and not just banning everyone no questions asked. We got lots of reports all in a small time frame of 1-2 days. I spent half my birthday cheking logs making sure no rash decision was made. We had no obligation to take our time to establish a punishment instead of just right out banning people. So the favoritism speach won't work here. Especially since I got no problem with anyone who got mentionned today.

If you(general term for everyone who thinks they got punished for no reason) believe that we are wrong then we will hear you out. Just saying your angry and this pisses you off etc etc think about what was said and bring evidence that can prove we are wrong. I got no problem saying I'm wrong if someone proves it to me.

Now bed time for me it's late enough as is.

RE:??Ban list - HyperCondria - 03-07-2008

O MAN...this is crazy >.<

this is totally how i see Kyouhei and jman212 right now while reading all this...

[Image: funny-pictures-happy-faced-lion.jpg]


RE: Ban list - funkyfly - 03-07-2008

Quote:I wonder why everyone thinks Pan went on a Banning frenzie since, you've guessed it, every GM gave there opinion on the reports received and we all agreed on the punishments. Favortism? Destroying LOA? Jason isn't perma Banned, if we wanted him gone for soooooo long why did we wait to have reports?

I'm not too much of a fan of some of Jason's antics but, since it seems like none of the GMs like him. So why did you have to wait...? To make it look legit.

RE: Ban list - Kiki - 03-07-2008

baby joose and fainn are inappropriate names Oo?? someone explain please and dont just give me a link. explain in clear terms as to how these 2 names are anywhere near offensive O.O;;? and i thot i had a sick mind x.o

if indeed they are deemed offensive then fine i can see y they were deleted but if not then...how are these 2 players goin to be recompensated for these characters hmm?? amuse me ;3

RE: Ban list - teOx - 03-07-2008

i still cant find anything on fainn Icon_biggrin

RE: Ban list - Nidsrule - 03-07-2008

teOx Wrote:i still cant find anything on fainn Icon_biggrin

Not the same spelling, but.....

Fain - Urban Dictionary

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 03-07-2008

I found that one, but at the same time, Fainn is also the surname for an Irish family, originated from Dublin according to some website of some sort. Our report of offense against Fainn was based on this spelling vs Fainn as well. I didn't dive deeper across languages for Fainn. I only tried to find it in English, and didn't find any results, and went along with how Fainn is the bypass for the 'alternate spelling.'

I found this only awhile ago and posted it in GM forums for his case. I'll wait to see what other GMs think about it if it is a genuine coincidence to be similar spelling with another word, or not. Let's leave this one until tomorrow morning when other GMs wake up.


As for the other name definition, Kiki we pointed out the link because we deemed the material as inappropriate for that of heRO, which includes heRO forum as well. We did not directly quote the messages in heRO for this reason. I'll PM you about it instead of public posting, ok?


If you did no wrong, there's nothing people can report you on. GM is equally bounded by our own set of rules for heRO in terms of what we can do, what we can't do and what we will stop others to do.


Have GMs considered what sort of card is LoA and what will happen to heRO server as a whole now? Yes we have.

Economy will suffer massive inflation due to a severe lost of treasure boxes from castle that would've provided sources of high demand equipment. If LoA even shrinks, we (as in heRO server) lose some more people who are contributing to item hunts that will affect economy once again. LoA plays a certain role in our server's WoE. Some people said it's great competition, some say that LoA is so strong that it's not healthy. Whichever view you take about their power/influence in WoE, it will affect you if you are a frequent visitor of pvp or WoE. LoA makes up a quite significant portion of server population, being one of the very few guilds who made sister guilds because the original guild extension limit is just not enough.

... So? It doesn't have any effect of rulings of these individual players. We gathered up all the acts of rulebreaking at once, together with reports that accumulated for quite awhile (as stated by GM Auron), and did it all at once regardless of which guild they came from. In this cleanup, there is someone from another guild too hm?


I did bring the question to the other GMs before: what if there is a need of guild leadership for LoA change as a direct or indirect result of this? We decided that we will do what we did for another guild in the past to be consistent and fair. We will switch guild leadership to someone else to continue to lead the guild.

RE: Ban list - Kyouhei - 03-07-2008

teOx Wrote:
Kyouhei Wrote:But yeh...I havent laughed so much in ages. I was gonna quit anyways so there you have it. I already said good bye to those who I actually care about so the rest can jus enjoy the "good bye to LoA" party, cause thats right, LoA is pretty much gone now. Kinda funny cuz people who got punished dont reali give a sh!t x)


tell me thats not ur last post. the "we dont give a crap" post?

With this post I guess its not lol but I cant lie and say I care, wut can i do? Cry that I was banned? Plead my innocence? Nah, I don't reali care since Pand didnt do nothin wrong with me. I think Jason got wronged tho but since he quitting anyways why bother kickin and screamin? Still wanna know why in the hell you would change his name if you found it offensive and then ban it like 2 month later Sweat Its kinda strange how the bans seem to have come in a package and it just feels like they was tryin to get rid of us all at once Icon_suprised but yeh... I know some people have a view of me as this really good guy like machiavelli, but I'm really not that good. I'm a rule breaker O_O and a corrupted GM. Its not always fun being treated like a plague and LoA will be the only people I miss. I do have most of the people I want on MSN so its not like I wont ever see em again No1

Ya'll should have some limit on how old the reported screenshot is..I mean if you waiting to report it obviously you werent very offended by it O.O I really think its ridiculous if you get jailed for some shit thats like 3 month old...Just sayin. And thanks Silv lol I dunno why you got banned but w/e O.O it seems like we cant even have a brothers, sisters, friends and girlfriends anymore xD.

LoA is prolly gonna be broken since most of the people who Jason would actually pass the leadership on to is gonna leave, but not just yet x)

GM-Loki Wrote:The bans were a result of reports against Jason. Not just one report, not two, not three, but MULTIPLE reports. We're talking double digits. No offense but being spineless cowards calling people names and stuff behind their back is pretty pathetic on certain players parts anyways. So personally your words hold no grounds with me, since said players can't even act like adults.

Oh...so it woulda been better if he said what he wanted to say straight up in front of their face? Would he be given a medal for that? Or would he be thrown in jail and be told that he was stupid for saying it straight up to their faces? I'm sure thats wut some people woulda wanted him to do and in the end they got some shady shit where he talks behind their back? Its kinda sad that you callin him a spineless coward when I'm sure there are tons of people who talk shit behind his back (or LoA in general) and we can't punish them for it cuz we dont have a screenshot of them in action. I mean where did you get screenshots of him talking behind bloody's back? If you can honestly say people dont talk shit behind our back then I'll apologize for bein rude but come on... You seriously think we call them what we did because we're just evil individuals? Ya'll dont know anything and I aint gonna spell it out for you if you really dont know.
Why don't you just close this thread and be done with it already? Oh thats right...you cant close the banned thread I guess x).