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Ban list - Printable Version

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RE: Ban list - Astroboi - 03-07-2008


I'm offended


(see 3rd one) also an offense to the BR community

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 03-07-2008

If you are referring to the scenario regarding Bloody, the report came in on Tues Feb 26th or so. We did discuss if it is counted as valid, and this is it:

heRO server rules Wrote:Be respectful to everyone
Insulting, the use of swears, discrimination, racism, sexism or any other offending comments may result in jail or ban. That goes for everywhere, especially on the Main Chat for everyone to see, keep it clean and insult-free! There is a person behind every character and he/she deserves proper respect just like you.

Final rule
Lastly, if by your action(s) or inaction(s) you cause harm or seriously hinder another character's playing experience, punishments may be given according to the severity of the action(s) or inaction(s).

Bolded part added for emphasis.

We did discard many reports as invalid due to the date issue. There were many reports of said players taunting/insulting other players. However, 2 of the screenshots have blacked out lines, while 17 others are not even in year 2008. We discarded those because we specified that reports must use unedited screenshot, while the others are kind of old and weak point.

Out of the reports from 2007, we only act upon the Halloween comment, as we deem racist comments to be not only something heRO condemns as a severe wrong but it is also a standard even in real life. Insults or swears can be hard to define from culture to culture, but racism is quite universal, so we took up that one, and discarded all the rest.


Again, as for the naming issue, GMs asked players to change from one inappropriate name to another. Jman submitted, and we are all unaware of his new name's meaning, and thus accepted it thinking the problem has been solved. We trusted all players to understand and respect the new rules in place.

Feb 29th, we got a complaint from another player why we put the naming rule into place, and how some of the players got to use an inappropriate name in place of an old inappropriate name. We requested further evidence of how are any existing names inappropriate, and we got the same link to urbandictionary as what Aki pointed out within this thread. What else can GMs think, but to sigh and wonder why are players trying to bypass a set rule? Why are they hoping that the GM remains overly naive and ignorant (which in this particular case, we are, and needed to be enlightened by player reports) so they can get away with someone GMs have blatantly stated as unacceptable?

However, the specific case about the name Fainn, like I said, I recommend all of us to wait until tomorrow morning about it so the other GMs can review the new information we know about this word/name.


I have no idea what was the case for Silvanel except what you read here as well. Seems like Loki has replied to Silvanel's questions, so I'll stay out of it and let Loki deal with it if Silvanel replies.

RE: Ban list - funkyfly - 03-07-2008

Astroboi Wrote:http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cucu

I'm offended


(see 3rd one) also an offense to the BR community


i'm also offended because its a swear word from england.

RE: Ban list - Bloody - 03-07-2008

Quote:It really does sound silly when americans say it - think about it, it's the equivalent to a brit saying 'mall' or 'nimrod' It's just not right. try saying some of these in an american accent for amusment

Quote:has absolutly NO effect when said by americans.

Quote:A british slang term similair to the word "damn". Also a word which many Americans use in order to sound "cool", despite the fact that they sound like total wankers.

ahahaahahahahahaah this has just made my day. Too bloody funny xDDDDDDDDDDD

RE: Ban list - funkyfly - 03-07-2008

I am from Malaysia, which is a commonwealth country, which in turn means ruled by the British before.

Since someone was offended by the noun "fainn", if it was referring to the original noun "fain" and i assume it is an American slang word, I am offended by the noun Bloody.

RE: Ban list - Nidsrule - 03-07-2008

funkyfly Wrote:I am from Malaysia, which is a commonwealth country, which in turn means ruled by the British before.

Since someone was offended by the noun "fainn", if it was referring to the original noun "fain" and i assume it is an American slang word, I am offended by the noun Bloody.

So you're saying you find it offensive because the British say so? I'm from Australia, also previously under British rule. I, however, dont find it offensive. I hear it all the time. I had teachers in high school who commonly used the term in the middle of a class. As stated in the article, it is the equivalent to saying "damn". How is that offensive?

Also, the way Bloody uses the term in his names, it is obvious he isn't using it in that manner. "Damn" Fist? Please. Same thing goes for the CuCu and Kevin references.

RE: Ban list - Rika - 03-07-2008

You should see what Urban Dictionary says about Peaches xD...

The GMs should consider taking whats said in Urban Dictionary with a grain of salt. Urban Dictionary is after all similar to Wikipedia in a sense that people update the page with their own personal definitions. Fain contains only one definition, unlike Kevin which contained multiple definitions from a variety of people showing that its a more common term in those cases.

It's quite possible for me to go in right now and add Pandora to the list and add an offensive definition of my own as example to that. In fact, if you look down to definition 3 of Pandora it shows just that. To delete a character, that wasn't even spelled correctly if it was meant for that term is a bit excessive. All the character names in question except maybe Baby Joose is far too obscure to really take offense to.

I'm only posting this to make a point that you shouldn't immediately rely on what that site says.

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 03-07-2008

This isn't a discussion thread, I'll address what was asked but closing topic after (GMs can add to it even if closed), this is a tread to announce the ban on the server, not to "chat".

GM-Aki who was nice enough to undertake the name change task, had not the time to tripple check every name she received. But upon closer look, the name change sent for SkeetOnFace and SkeetOnUrMom (not just the name chosen) were inappropriate, and if she had found it then it would have been deleted back then, it only got delayed. We have multiple proof in various chats that proved the new names sent for replacement were meant to offend. We checked this carefully, we weren't "rash" about deleting characters.

All the ban done last night were carefully reviewed and decided with the whole GM team, it actually took some time before we decided on each punishment.

This is not some "rampage" or hate against a guild, it is simply the result of jason's own behavior toward many many people on the server. The reports are plentiful, so stop saying he is getting punished over nothing. He is given a last chance, if he becomes a positive part of hero and behaves, no one will be more happy than I. But as it stands, he is hindering on other people's playing experience and that's where his freedom stops, if he can't play by the rules he has to go.

Should Jason decide to make his ban permanent, I have no problem with changing guild leadership (providing you agree on 1 new leader character). I have no beef with LoA guild, only with people who break the rules and has it happens there are a few in that guild, but the rest are fine and I have no problem with them.

As for Arawn the report was recent but the screenshot from a few months back, and he is spamming the link to a porn site 3 times in the city of Prontera. He can send me a PM if he wishes to see the proof.

You seem to forget to look at things with perspective. We run this server out of our free time and we put so much work into it, the minimum we ask to have the privilege of playing here is that you respect the rules. For the vast majority it is no problem at all, why is it so hard for some? One wonders why must they try to offend when they choose a party name or guild title or go and call other people names?

As for those who think they will "get in trouble" for speaking in this thread defending their friends or are suddenly "afraid" of me, it only goes to show that you know me so very little, perhaps because I have been misrepresented to you. I'm a nice person, and try my best to be as fair as can be, to everyone. If I was so "mean" I wouldn't be spending countless hours making this server for all your enjoyment. I am even too nice, and it has caused some people to go overboard expecting they would get away with it.

I'm not surprised that I'm being blamed by the people who got banned and their friends, in Jason's case especially, it is much easier to point fingers than to do some introspection, but really it is abundantly clear that he brought this upon himself.

Please just play by the rules everyone, and everything will be fine, afterall if it were the case we would not even need this thread.

RE: Ban list - Loki - 03-07-2008

Kyouhei Wrote:I'm a rule breaker O_O and a corrupted GM.

To be honest this is all I need to show. Even if it isn't worth my time I'll even respond to your babble in regards to my post.

Kyouhei Wrote:Oh...so it woulda been better if he said what he wanted to say straight up in front of their face? Would he be given a medal for that? Or would he be thrown in jail and be told that he was stupid for saying it straight up to their faces? I'm sure thats wut some people woulda wanted him to do and in the end they got some shady shit where he talks behind their back? Its kinda sad that you callin him a spineless coward when I'm sure there are tons of people who talk shit behind his back (or LoA in general) and we can't punish them for it cuz we dont have a screenshot of them in action. I mean where did you get screenshots of him talking behind bloody's back? If you can honestly say people dont talk shit behind our back then I'll apologize for bein rude but come on... You seriously think we call them what we did because we're just evil individuals? Ya'll dont know anything and I aint gonna spell it out for you if you really dont know.
Why don't you just close this thread and be done with it already? Oh thats right...you cant close the banned thread I guess x).

Let me clear the air since obviously you fail to grasp it.

1.) I never pinpointed anyone, never said a name, nor pinpointed a guild. My exact words were:

GM-Loki Wrote:o offense but being spineless cowards calling people names and stuff behind their back is pretty pathetic on certain players parts anyways. So personally your words hold no grounds with me, since said players can't even act like adults.

Tell me exactly where I ever said one player's, one guild's, or anyone's/thing's name. I didn't. kthx try again please.

2. Did it EVER occur to you anywhere in your mind at all, that you could've just kept your opinions to yourself OR have voiced it outside of game? Probably not. Basically what you or anyone else does by saying it in game in a corner would be the equivalent of standing about 4 feet behind someone but whispering what you think about them to other people. It just goes to show you don't have the guts.

3. You obviously had no place as a GM because you asked this:

Quote:we can't punish them for it cuz we dont have a screenshot of them in action. I mean where did you get screenshots of him talking behind bloody's back? If you can honestly say people dont talk shit behind our back then I'll apologize for bein rude but come on... You seriously think we call them what we did because we're just evil individuals?

Any GM, or anyone who was previously in a position such as a GM on ANY server should know how the rules and reporting works. If someone starts bad mouthing you and said bad mouthing is breaking the rules, then here's a wacky idea REPORT IT, as I've told multiple players, why should YOU risk getting yourself in trouble for someone else? Too afraid to be called a reporter, grow up.

Kyouhei Wrote:Why don't you just close this thread and be done with it already? Oh thats right...you cant close the banned thread I guess x).

Guess you got proven wrong again.

Also to re-iterate, these reports were not done out of some personal vendetta, and they weren't just from one person or one guild they were from multiple players from multiple guilds. In regards to ex GM-Hermes, Ryan, whatever you wish to be called, if you are such a rule breaker and corrupt gm then no offense your ro days might as well be over with, because I don't know of many servers out there that aren't corrupt that wouldn't do similar actions for what people are pulling.

@Rika, the report wasn't done just off of the information from urban-dictionary but also under the information we found that these names were made to attempt to follow the rules while still breaking them, the players knew full well what they were doing. If it had been different I'm sure the outcome would've possibly been different.

In regards to donors getting favored treatment, that was uncalled for and holds no grounds, if they broke the rules and were reported they would get banned just as fast as anyone else, that I can promise you.

Good day.

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Mystra - 03-07-2008

Who: Tomyee
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting.