heRO-Server Forum
Ban list - Printable Version

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RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 03-12-2008

Who: LiIium
How long: Permanent
What he/she did: Theft of items + deletion of someone's character.

BuddhaHealer, Level 95 High Priest had been deleted by the above offender, character has been restored and stolen item given back to him/her.

As a reminder, do NOT share your account information, and if you do, be ready to face the consequences that might follow. If you need a Password change contact GM-Auron, go here for more details:

Character "Fainn", level 95 Priest, has been restored, with new appropriate name Arthion.

"Silv" case still under discussion, but close to reaching concenssus, feedback will be given to him later today.

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 03-26-2008

Who: PitZa SquaRe
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting

Who: BuddhaHealer
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Failed Bot Test (Casting Meteors at Hydra spot with DL shoes)

It saddens me to have to ban Buddha, but the rules are explicitely clear about AFK-Hunting Icon_sad

Quote:No AFK Leveling/hunting
No one is allowed in anyway to level/hunt AFK with means of any pet, homunculus, @autotrade, item, skill or card.

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 03-29-2008

Who: Sekaru
How Long: Permanent Forum Ban
What he/she did:

-disrespectful towards heRO server players and community
-ignoring recommendations and pleas of both GMs and players to stop rude forum behavior, ignored GM warnings
-fierce insult towards players who disagree with him in forum
-fierce insult towards several members of the GM team in forum/forum PMs
-offensive racial comments in forum
-had previous forum warnings and temperate forum ban; a re-offender

Sekaru will be permanently banned from forum, but what happened in forum is separate from heRO gameplay. Sekaru will still be able to log on to heRO server to play the game, and no penalty will be carried out regarding his in-game characters.

Edit by GM-Ciar on December 11th, 2016:
Sekaru has requested an unban and Pandora accepted. He has since been unbanned.

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 03-29-2008

I want to add a personal note to clarify some things.

After Sekaru's recent display a discussion took place in the gm section about it. I partly stayed away from it due to personal dislike, but I still fully approve the team's decision, which was unanimous. A gm was sent to mediate with him through forum pm. Reports also came in the ticket system from players offended by what he said. In the end, after he decided to insult the mediating gm, the team decided on a full forum ban.

Don't mistake this for censorship. I don't want anyone to be afraid to give their opinions, feedback on heRO is welcome and appreciated (as long as it's done properly).

Sekaru has had multiple warnings and temp forum bans before, this one is permament due to being a recidivist.

Forum access is a priviledge, which he is no longer worthy of. This does not affect his in game status in any way at the moment. The ban is on his forum account only, however, attempting to break that forum ban, could result in consequences in game.

RE: Ban list - GM-Aki - 03-30-2008

Who: Gouki
How long: Permanent
What he/she did: Bot

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 03-31-2008

Who: Gurkan (Gouki)
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting + Ban bypassing

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 04-01-2008

Who: Dejimo
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting

Who: Troy
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did:
-attempt to bribe GM to go against server rules
-excessive insults+spam on main towards GM and heRO community
-bypass mute punishment with new account

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 04-01-2008

Troy banned.

Dejimo banned along with all other of his accounts, main character seems to be GabR.

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 04-06-2008

Who: Kenan
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting, same person who botted under the name of "Spirit of Fire"...

RE: Ban list - GM-Ayu - 04-10-2008

Who: Sekaru
How Long: 3 Days (in-game) + Apology via Support Ticket System

What he/she did:
-bypassed heRO forum ban by starting new forum account

GM team has stated clearly before that any attempt to break the forum ban results for in-game consequences, which is what is happening now. Sekaru's in-game characters will be banned for 3 days, and an apology to the GM team is to be submitted via the Support Ticket System.

Further offense by Sekaru will result in a minimal of one week in-game character ban.