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Your favorite TV show (singular)! - Printable Version

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RE: Your favorite TV show (singular)! - Eldakar - 07-24-2009

Battlestar Galactica
The IT Crowd

Thats my top 3 for the moment.

Other realy good show

Terminator: the sarah connar chronicle
Star Trek: Voyager and TNG
Stargate: SG1 and Atlantis

RE: Your favorite TV show (singular)! - Whispers - 07-24-2009

[Image: Ene.gif]??So sad.??Seems someone can't make a choice.??[Image: Ag.gif]

I guess I'll have to go with the first on the list and say Eldakar's favorite show is Battlestar Galatica.??Crazy Cylon.??Sweat

RE: Your favorite TV show (singular)! - GM-Pandora - 07-24-2009


RE: Your favorite TV show (singular)! - Whispers - 07-24-2009

Is Lost really that great???Everyone I know gives it mixed reviews.??Some say it's the best show ever and I should buy the DVD's while others say it's the worst waste of an hour a week ever.??I caught part of one of the episodes after the writer strike and found it to be silly because of the updates they had pop up on the screen.??It was like a All My Children Survivor on primetime.??Laugh

Another time I caught it was when the Nigerian guy was doing something involving statuettes stuffed with cocaine, I believe???Later in the episode (or maybe it was a different episode) he came face to face with a sentient black mist that was apparently a big mystery on the show.??I really liked that guy.??He was a good actor with a very complex character.??Plus he's Nigerian.??I love Nigerian people.??My best friend in Albuquerque is a first-generation Nigerian.??His first and middle name are Tai Ogberukame.??I'm the only person who is able to pronounce it correctly when reading it. He's blacker than his pupils.??It's awesome.??LoL

Those two experiences really turned me off to the show.??I liked the black guy, but the mist thing was just ...err???I guess it's just as subjective of anything else.

I had these two friends who planned to buy all of the available Lost series DVD's and watch them back to back.??X_x

RE: Your favorite TV show (singular)! - Konkon - 07-26-2009

Well, I heard about lost and didn't think I'd like it since, it's actually pretty much a soap opera with more emphasis on mystery than drama... Which, if you think about it, takes the only thing people really watch soap operas for and leaves it with the bad story writing.

Don't get me wrong, I watched parts of the first season and it did seem pretty cool. But the longer the show ran for, the more the plot become muddled and convoluted. Probably what happened was the series was only meant to go to 'x' episodes, but after that it become so popular that the networks demanded more episodes so the writers scrambled to pull something out of their arse.

RE: Your favorite TV show (singular)! - Slate - 07-26-2009

Jumping on the Firefly bandwagon here. Icon_razz Can't be beat, that show.

RE: Your favorite TV show (singular)! - katleoyumi - 07-26-2009


RE: Your favorite TV show (singular)! - mahawirasd - 07-26-2009

nuuuuuuuuuuu boston legal has a deeper dialogue regarding current affairs etc than house... so boston legal > house...

i was also once a fan of lost. 1st season was full of win. Why? because it was full of mystery etc etc...
second season was excruciating... they dragged the story on and on and on and on... personally there were several cues on when to end the series on the second season and that would have really been a saving grace for the series... i like to have unresolved mysteries for that nagging and lingering feeling like what X-files did...
anyhoo, i got to watch a big part of the 3rd season but again although the third season is better than the 2nd, the more they reveal the secrets the more i lost my interest...

same thing with Heroes... would've been great for them to end it on the first season... dragging the story just for profits... meh... Mad

scrubs is fun. Loads of fun. I still enjoy watching the old episodes just for laughs. But i wouldn't really say it's the best out there coz for a good laugh and more meaningful dialogue there's still The Simpsons... Family guy is good too, but the simpsons seem to have more tack imho...


RE: Your favorite TV show (singular)! - Eve - 08-01-2009


And canceled tv show is Dead like me.. It was marvelous

RE: Your favorite TV show (singular)! - Whispers - 08-01-2009

Dead Like Me was pretty cool. I didn't catch a lot of it given that I don't have movie channels and I never really watch TV anyway. When I did happen to catch it at a friends house I liked it. Ok