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Team PvP Rules Discussion - Printable Version

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RE: Team PvP Rules Discussion - Aaronock - 04-06-2009

Useless spamming will not work either in small team PvP, even with unlimited gem use. Spamming stupidly gets a person killed, especially if some of these classes cannot heal spam with pots and stuff.

You want people to play with strategy, give them unlimited use to items like gems and AD and other catalysts, otherwise the classes who use said catalysts will never show up for these events as they won't be seen as the most viable options Icon_sad

RE:??Team PvP Rules Discussion - Nidsrule - 04-06-2009

GM-Ayu Wrote:(again, I don't think that there's anyway to get rid of warp to save upon 2nd death when pvp is enabled.)

Where's the problem with that? The logic behind allowing unlimited res is based around the mechanics of PvP enabled maps. There will be no need for gem restrictions, yet teams wont be able to res the same team member over and over again, as they will be warped out of the battlefield after the second death.

Have an NPC especially for the teams involved that warps them to the arena and at the same time sets their save point to the observation area.

- Teams are formed
- GM warps all teams to a room with an NPC as described above
- All team members will have to talk to the NPC to exit the room (disable teleport and bwings and allow players to remain on that map even after they relog). That way their only option to continue is to talk to the NPC, get warped to the arena and exit the arena via the NPC located within.

RE: Team PvP Rules Discussion - teOx - 04-06-2009

i agree with rob and aaro

first team that gets all members warped to the predetermined save point loses. whats wrong with that?

RE:??Team PvP Rules Discussion - Général_Argos - 04-06-2009

Aaronock Wrote:You want people to play with strategy, give them unlimited use to items like gems and AD and other catalysts

That is so much strategy.??I would have think that woe/pvp/duels would have been enough for people's need for spamage.??I tought we were talking here about creating an interesting team pvp event.??

Aaronock Wrote:, otherwise the classes who use said catalysts will never show up for these events as they won't be seen as the most viable options Icon_sad

So speculative.??So wrong.??

edit : @Rob, did you skip post #19?

RE: Team PvP Rules Discussion - Nidsrule - 04-06-2009

Keyword being interesting. After all the item checks and limitations are done people will most likely have fallen asleep/logged off due to boredom.

Sure, people will have to think a bit more about using skills, but I really don't see it making it any more interesting.

Post #19 being:

Aaronock Wrote:I'm not for limiting gem use either since priests and profs rely HEAVILY on gems to get their jobs done properly. Granted I play one of the two classes, but according to your ideal rules Krim we're stuck with less gems than creators get AD...

I say unlimited gem use, I'm thinking this should be like WoE overall, but I doubt that people want the skill limitations from there to apply to team pvp :s


I agree with Aaron. No item limitations (outside of custom healing items/ygg berries/seeds) and no skill limitation. The less messing around there is with limitations, the smoother this can run as an event.

RE: Team PvP Rules Discussion - teOx - 04-06-2009

@krim hypocrite your post is speculative as well.

if AD is so unbalanced then lets see AD win against a proper team.

this is also why proper pvp tournaments are carried out with woe mechanics btw, which balances things like asura EDP and AD. with proper reducs AD is nothing more than some mediocre ranged attack that breaks stuff.

RE:??Team PvP Rules Discussion - Général_Argos - 04-06-2009

Nidsrule Wrote:Sure, people will have to think a bit more about using skills, but I really don't see it making it any more interesting.

Would involve on-the-spot decisions, instead of making a reusable plan for the whole tournement and sticking with it.??

Of course teamspeak or vent would be of great help.??


edit becaused ninjaed-by-teox :

teOx Wrote:@krim hypocrite your post is speculative as well.

I'm talking about a path that have already been travelled, and I am adding suggestions to improve it.??I am not saying that what I am proposing will be over 9000 times better.

teOx Wrote:if AD is so unbalanced then lets see AD win against a proper team.

Why are you stigmatised by ad, its about all skills requiring usables.??

RE: Team PvP Rules Discussion - teOx - 04-06-2009

same thing goes for all then.

AD was an example duh.

RE: Team PvP Rules Discussion - Nidsrule - 04-06-2009

Not really, itll just lead to people sitting around with next to nothing to do, since half of their skills are now useless due to lack of gems/supplies.

Limit it so that each team can only bring into the tournament that which they can carry, split among their members. No restocking from kafra or a GM. It'd be up to the team to work out a time to restock (assuming most teams would dump items on merchant class chars/high str chars); no special time would be given. They would either have to do it between matches or during the prebuff.

RE: ??Team PvP Rules Discussion - GM-Ayu - 04-06-2009

Nidsrule Wrote:
GM-Ayu Wrote:(again, I don't think that there's anyway to get rid of warp to save upon 2nd death when pvp is enabled.)

Where's the problem with that?

None. We don't even need to insist on that point as it is implied, since it *has* to be that way.