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Music During HeROing? - Printable Version

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RE: Music During HeROing? - Namine - 03-20-2007

Hm... depends on where she is, but Namin? will mostly stick to the original RO music. She admits that the original RO music for churchyard GH or the underprison is rather dull after a shortwhile... many of the "world map" music is rather enjoyable, though there are not too many training spots on the world map except for the early levels, Metallings and Geographers...

(not sure if this server has Minerals, but Minerals are also a great place to train yet is on the world map as well)

RE: Music During HeROing? - Motenai_Ronin - 03-20-2007

we do have minerals, they aren't in the world map, they're only in the mines

RE: Music During HeROing? - Former-GM-Mystra - 03-20-2007

Minerals are on the world map, if I recall, around Einbroch/Lighthalzen.

RE: Music During HeROing? - Namine - 03-20-2007

GM-Mystra Wrote:Minerals are on the world map, if I recall, around Einbroch/Lighthalzen.

Normally they are on the map one north of Einbroch (20), but apparently the geographers (70) that were supposed to be on the same map are not exactly present... So Namin? is unsure if Minerals will be present as well.

RE: Music During HeROing? - GM-Pandora - 03-20-2007

There are some in this map, that I am sure of:


RE: Music During HeROing? - Lezard Valeth - 03-21-2007

Depends on what I'm doing. I play a mixed soundtrack of a lot of different bands..but mostly I listen to these:

Valkyrie Profile OST
Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria OST
Within Temptation
Various Final Fantasy OST's
Xenosaga 1 OST
Bleach OST 1 and 2
Saga Frontier OST
Lagoon OST

and various songs from London After Midnight, Cradle of Filth, Type O Negative, and Rhapsody.

RE: Music During HeROing? - Force-Attuned Krogoth - 04-02-2007

I listen to an eclectic mix of standup comedy, metal, J-pop, classical, musicals, anime soundtracks, and opera. About half the time I have the TV blathering in the background instead. Without some sound to half pay attention to, I have a tendency to space out.

RE: Music During HeROing? - Yetipunk - 04-10-2007

If I did still play it would be mostly Gorillaz. Icon_wink

RE: Music During HeROing? - Lenneth Valkyrie - 04-12-2007

Most of what I listen to is pretty much either the usual RO music, or soundtracks from other RPG's including Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, or even other MMO's, preferrably Lineage 2. When I'm not trying to get into a RO feeling, I'm listening to Lacuna Coil, Linkin Park, Type O Negative, London After Midnight, Cradle of Filth, and some other various groups. Or, Law & Order, which happens to be on most of the time while I'm playing. Icon_biggrin;

RE: Music During HeROing? - Chiseled - 06-19-2007

prob the 5% who favors hip=hop here.

The Roots- Seed 2.0