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Ban list - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Ban list (/showthread.php?tid=217)

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Circe - 07-13-2010

Who: i-f***-you
How Long: Until an appropriate replacement name is sent in via support ticket.
What he/she did: Inappropriate name

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 07-13-2010

Who: KrazeEKrakker
How Long: 3 days on forums
What he/she did: Insulting other members

RE: Ban list - GM-Azote - 07-13-2010

Who: mata~ci~barak
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting

Who: Matah~Ci
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting

Who: Street~Vocal
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting

Who: corey elizabeth
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting

Who: Richie Holiday
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting

Who: erin wilder
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting

RE: Ban list - GM-Azote - 07-13-2010

Who: Scriptovich + related accounts
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting

RE: Ban list - GM-Aki - 07-14-2010

Who: Ken-Masters
How Long: Temporary, until he reads the rules and opens a ticket apologizing must be ready to return the fish.
What he/she did: Fish stealing.

Note: when opening the ticket, add the link to this post and mention your char name.

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Circe - 07-14-2010

Who: ShinTakashi, X i e n, - OneKnightStand -, Y o s h i k i
How Long: Permanent
What s/he did: Multiclient botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Circe - 07-15-2010

Who: Prythi
How Long: Permanent
What s/he did: Botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Circe - 07-15-2010

Who: Samui
How Long: Permanent
What s/he did: Botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Radiance - 07-15-2010

Who: CalvinKlein
How long: IP Permanent
What he/she did: Botting (again)

RE: Ban list - GM-Azote - 07-16-2010

Who: LetterBee
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting

Who: Busi-Ness
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Multiclient Botting

Who: Saint_PopE
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Multiclient Botting

Who: Sthiefany
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Multiclient Botting

Who: Gorgeous
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Multiclient Botting

Who: SilverAxe
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Multiclient Botting

Who: .pain.
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Multiclient Botting