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Ban list - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Ban list (/showthread.php?tid=217)

RE: Ban list - GM-Azote - 08-04-2010

Who: Loja + Related accounts
How Long: Permanent
What s/he did: Botting

Who: Itikagi + Related accounts
How Long: Permanent
What s/he did: Botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Circe - 08-05-2010

Who: KrazeEKrakker
How Long: Permanent forum ban.
What s/he did: Insulting, behaviour and ban evading (Forumgoer Fran)

RE: Ban list - GM-Azote - 08-08-2010

Who: HW_0621
How Long: 1 day + Apology sent via Support Ticket
What he/she did: Insulting another player

RE: Ban list - GM-Azote - 08-09-2010

Who: lCravel
How Long: Until he sends apology via support ticket and promised to meet with the person to give the item and zeny back
What he/she did: Stealing 20M and an Hydra card from another player

RE: Ban list - GM-Azote - 08-10-2010

Who: Terbion
How Long: Until he sends apology via support ticket and promised to meet with the person or GM-Azote to give the items back
What he/she did: Stealing 72 salmons from another player's pet

RE: Ban list - GM-Azote - 08-10-2010

Who: angel2020 + Related accounts
How Long: Permanent
What s/he did: Botting

RE: Ban list - GM-Azote - 08-11-2010

Who: Soul-Assassin + Related accounts
How Long: Permanent
What s/he did: Botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Vanadis - 08-12-2010

Who: Aliotado + related accounts
How Long: Permanent
What s/he did: Botting

RE: Ban list - GM-Aki - 08-13-2010

Who: Bruc3 + related accounts
How Long: Permanent
What s/he did: Botting

Who: KingOfBlade + related accounts
How Long: Permanent
What s/he did: Botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Circe - 08-15-2010

Who: ZeroDestiny
How Long: Permanent
What s/he did: Botting