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Ban list - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Ban list (/showthread.php?tid=217)

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Radiance - 01-27-2011

Who: Danonight
How long: Pernament
What he/she did: Botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Radiance - 01-28-2011

Who: Ephex
How long: 1 day
What he/she did: Swearing, Disrespect of another player.

Who: Evony
How long: 1 day + Apology via Support Ticket system
What he/she did: Swearing, Disrespect of another players.

Who: Shepard
How long: 1 day + Apology via Support Ticket system.
What he/she did: Swearing, Disrespect of another player.

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Salt - 01-30-2011

Who: Maza + related accounts
How long: Permanent
What he/she did: Macro-teleing with homunculus, essentially the same as botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Salt - 01-31-2011

Who: Crescens + related account
How long: Permanent
What he/she did: Admitted to dual-clienting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Forge - 02-02-2011

Who: Xyph and related accounts.
How long: Until the day after the end of existance.
Why: Botting.

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Circe - 02-03-2011

Who: Flux~
How long: Permanent
Why: Botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Circe - 02-03-2011

Who: Aeolian, thecursed, Evony
How long: 2 days each Forum Ban
What s/he did: Flaming, insulting, generally unacceptable behavior.

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Salt - 02-04-2011

Who: O m e n
How long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Circe - 02-04-2011

Who: ihctop
How Long: Permanent
What s/he did: Botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Radiance - 02-05-2011

Who: Lavoisier
How long: 1 day + apology via support ticket system
What he/she did: Contemplating to selling account for real money.