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Ban list - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Ban list (/showthread.php?tid=217)

RE: Ban list - GM-Azote - 05-12-2011

Who: FunFun + related account
What he/she did: Bot
How long: Permanent

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Glyph - 05-17-2011

Who: Kleinteetasse + Related
How Long: Forever
What s/he did: Botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Glyph - 05-20-2011

Who: rhabdomyosarcoma
How long: Permanent
What s/he did: Macro Feeding

RE: Ban list - GM-Azote - 05-22-2011

Who: Arila
How long: Permanent
What he/she did: Bot

RE: Ban list - GM-Azote - 05-22-2011

Who: PineOrange
How long: Permanent
What he/she did: Bot

RE: Ban list - GM-Azote - 05-23-2011

Who: Eugine
How Long: Perm
What he/she did: Botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Radiance - 05-23-2011

How long: 1 day + Apology via Support Ticket
What he/she did: Attempting to scam player

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Circe - 05-24-2011

Who: Marlon
How Long: 1 day + Apology via Support Ticket
What s/he did: Attempting/intent to buy zeny for real money.

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Radiance - 05-25-2011

Who: Xeane
How long: 1 day + Apology via Support Ticket
What he/she did: Inappropriate name used to disrespect another player.

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Glyph - 05-26-2011

Who: Sugih + related
How long: Infinity + 1 years!
What s/he did: Botting.