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Ban list - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Ban list (/showthread.php?tid=217)

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 12-01-2007

Erm.. what? Please don't spam in the ban/jail list threads, they are long enough as it is!

RE: Ban list - Necrotic Shadow - 12-09-2007

I don't get it, how u program a bot? and how long they work? until you unlog and relog or it has some kind of control panel?

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 12-09-2007

Bots are forbiden so you don't need to know. Please don't spam the ban thread.

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 12-23-2007

Who: Sir Cowiz and his other 2 accounts.
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting.

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 12-23-2007

Who: RobinHood / ~Uchiha Itachi~
How Long: 3 days + appology to both players he offended.
What he/she did: created a character with disrespecful "xperson fail" name in order to impersonate and insult 2 other players on the server.

Who: Kman
How Long 1 day + appology.
What he/she did: suggest to his guildy that he does the above.

RE: Ban list - jman212 - 12-23-2007

Suggest???wtf i told him not to.............. Show PROOF

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 12-23-2007

Kman at 18:13 said in guild chat "make exfail".

Kish pmed me and made a good point, that just because someone tells you to do something you don't have to do it, removing the ban on kman, though I still think he shouldn't have encouraged him to do so.

The whole thing is really immature and a total waste of time. You may think it's funny, but it made me waste at least an hour of log looking. Right when I was in the middle of finishing Xmas quest. So everyone's xmas is delayed because of you, happy?

RE: Ban list - GM-Aki - 12-31-2007

Who: Mikka and all his accounts (23 total)
How Long: Permanent
What he/she did: disrespected the players, the GM's and the server. Used slanderous language and created multiple account to keep offending.

RE: Ban list - teOx - 01-03-2008

that was mikka? lolol

RE: Ban list - GM-Pandora - 01-06-2008

Who: knight of satam ghost
How Long: Undecided
What he/she did: Botting or Macroing (most likely macro) at mining spot.