heRO-Server Forum
Ban list - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Ban list (/showthread.php?tid=217)

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Salt - 11-16-2011

Who: Timoleon
How long: Permanent
What he/she did: Botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Glyph - 11-17-2011

Who: RayWilliamJohnson
How long: Week + Apology Ticket
What s/he did: Excessive swearing, mute dodging, racist comments.

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Radiance - 11-18-2011

Who: John Paul Jones
How long: Until apology is sent, with promise to comply with the heRO rules from now on
What he/she did: Inappropriate language

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Glyph - 11-23-2011

Name: LittlePest + related accounts
How long: Forever
What s/he did: Botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Circe - 11-25-2011

Who: Italian Hero, dammi i soldi bastardo, etc
How Long: Permanent
What s/he did: Spam main. Spam main with language. Spam main with insults. Ban evade. Mute evade. Etcetc.

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Glyph - 11-26-2011

Who: RayWilliamJohnson
How long: Permanent
What s/he did: Excessive swearing, mute dodging, racist comments. (again)

RE: Ban list - GM-Azote - 11-27-2011

Who: BossCholo + related accounts
How long: Permanent
What s/he did: Botting

Who: MakeMeProud + related accounts
How long: Permanent
What s/he did: Botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Salt - 12-09-2011

Who: 'Lon
How long: 1 day + apology via support ticket system along with promise to read, understand and comply with the server rules in the future.
What he/she did: insulting players, swearing, opening chat in Prontera street.

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Glyph - 12-09-2011

Name: Elalya
How long: Permanent
What s/he did: Botting

RE: Ban list - Former-GM-Glyph - 12-11-2011

Name: Bobo HP + Related Accounts
How long: Permanent
What s/he did: Botting