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Curious - Printable Version

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Curious - The Legendary Joe - 09-21-2009

It's not necessary, but I think it'd be interesting to know the alleigances of the people who are banned/Jailed, just to be able to see which is worse.Would it be ethical to list wether they're light/dark with their ban/jail info?

RE: Curious - Shikari - 09-21-2009

Lol, I don't think thats a good idea. If more people from Light is in jail, dark side people are gonna start saying how people from light are always the rule breakers, and vice-versa. It can potentially cause a lot of drama, however It would be intersting to find out who has the worst in general behevior XD.

RE: Curious - Sakurato - 09-21-2009

light side people shouldn't be in jail! You just disgrace your faction so come on over to dark Icon_biggrin.

RE: Curious - Pistis_Sophia - 09-21-2009

The Legendary Joe Wrote:It's not necessary, but I think it'd be interesting to know the alleigances of??the people who are banned/Jailed, just to be able to see which is worse.Would it be ethical??to list wether they're light/dark with their ban/jail info?
This remembers me the job I had in a public institution. We used a great part of our time doing that kind of administrative work instead of doing what we were hired for. To spend time to cumulate this data is somehow a waste of time.

That said, what would you do with these stats? Aren't those useless. Otherway how would you use them?

RE: Curious - Frogboy - 09-21-2009

actually it could be used as an incentive to keep members of each faction from getting in trouble and obeying the rules.

i once heard it, recently and from where i do not remember, that dark is not necessarily evil (recalls from where it was now, a Let's Play series done by HCBailly on FFIII for the NES), but rather they use less "holier" methods of making sure the job gets done.

this does not mean they break the rules to do this task, but rather choose a darker art form to bring about the same result, or perhaps even better result Evil

anyway, the advantage would be to give away "small" prizes to members of the side that had the fewer members in jail/or were banned (which the numbers really shouldn't be all that large anyway as most of your jailed/banned characters are botters) for that month, and only to those people who participated in ToH.

Something of this nature would bring a cause to rally new recruits and make sure to train them up to not break the rules and even participate in ToH to at least get something out of it even if they didn't have enough points to get any of the ToH prizes.

RE: Curious - Sakurato - 09-21-2009

That's not the greatest Idea, easily abusable.

People have both light and dark accounts.