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Advent Children! - Printable Version

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Advent Children! - Zivaro - 10-20-2005

i still havent seen it! Icon_cry

Looks so awesome!

cant wait till its released here in Britain!

RE: Advent Children! - GM-Boomy - 10-20-2005

why don't you download the fansub while you wait? ^__^ there's also an OVA that explains what happened before FF7 the game: Final Fantasy Last Order

RE: Advent Children! - Tenshi - 10-20-2005

OH Where to find FFLO?
Sounds interesting!

RE: Advent Children! - Cessy - 10-20-2005

I loved seeing Aeris again...

Those silver haired brothers really bothered me though. Kadaj was too damn effeminate...

The fighting was okay. I liked seeing them in 3D action but was disappointed because the only person who really got into the fights was Cloud and also eventually everything went into Dragonball mode with all the flying around and exploding buildings and blah. I really hate that kind of crap.

BUT, Cloud's finishing move on Sephiroth and then the image of Sephiroth as a one-winged angel made up for all the crap beforehand.

RE: Advent Children! - GM-Scott - 10-20-2005

The final move was SO DAMN GOOD, it was unbelievable. I just had to rewind it. Icon_razz

RE: Advent Children! - Tenshi - 10-20-2005

Great animation!
Fights are kool
Cloud uses his limit breaks!

Q: are the henchmen of Rufus better than the silver haired dudes? or are they worst?
I mean they got beat by Tifa and Tifa got beat by the silver haired dude yet the hencmen and the silver haired dudes seem to fight even...
Like... WTH?

RE: Advent Children! - GM-Boomy - 10-21-2005

Tenshi Wrote:OH Where to find FFLO?
Sounds interesting!


RE: Advent Children! - Tenshi - 10-21-2005

Merci! GM-Boomy!

RE: Advent Children! - GM-Scott - 10-21-2005

Tenshi Wrote:Q: are the henchmen of Rufus better than the silver haired dudes? or are they worst?
I mean they got beat by Tifa and Tifa got beat by the silver haired dude yet the hencmen and the silver haired dudes seem to fight even...
Like... WTH?
In this movie, they fly, they beat up big ass monsters, they use magic, they can jump from building to building. Conclusion : there is no logic.

RE: Advent Children! - Ryxingeir - 10-21-2005

AC is just a wonderful movie <3 Vincent

It's been bugging me for a while, but when Cloud uses the limit break that strongly resembles the wind scar (Inuyasha)... which one is that?