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Cutting my hair - Need input.  /swt - Printable Version

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Cutting my hair - Need input.??/swt - Whispers - 04-21-2010

I can't find a job.??The last place I had an interview at told my brother (because he's "in" with the upper management) they wouldn't hire me because of my hair.

As such, I believe it is time to say good-bye to my hair for now.??Cry

However!??I don't know what to do with it!??I've had my hair either long or completely shaved my entire life!??I've never had it properly cut down to an "appropriate" style before.??So, I'd like some input.??I'll be leaving in about an hour, so let's see what people think!

This is me now:
[Image: TisMoi.jpg]

Yes, I have a lot of hair... and, I'm going to miss it.??Cry

RE: Cutting my hair - Need input.??/swt - Fyrus Carmin - 04-21-2010

Laugh if you want, but I also have long hair (though shorter than yours) and I just tie them in the back. Most people find it more acceptable here.

RE: Cutting my hair - Need input.??/swt - Session - 04-21-2010

Whispers Wrote:I can't find a job.??The last place I had an interview at told my brother (because he's "in" with the upper management) they wouldn't hire me because of my hair.

As such, I believe it is time to say good-bye to my hair for now.??Cry

However!??I don't know what to do with it!??I've had my hair either long or completely shaved my entire life!??I've never had it properly cut down to an "appropriate" style before.??So, I'd like some input.??I'll be leaving in about an hour, so let's see what people think!

This is me now:
[Image: TisMoi.jg]

Yes, I have a lot of hair... and, I'm going to miss it.??Cry

Nice guitar Icon_suprised You play?

Er...on topic: Go with what Fyrus said, ponytail it in the back. Personally, it doesn't look like you should cut your hair like, really short or anything. Try the ponytail No1

RE: Cutting my hair - Need input.??/swt - Whispers - 04-21-2010

I live in the buckle of the Bible Belt, though (Kansas).??People don't accept anything here - ponytail or no.??I need to cut my hair.??I don't want to.??I need to.??=/

I wanna move to Canada - get the hell out of the Bible Belt (the "Bible Belt" is an area of the southern USA that is predominantly Christian and people like me [non-Christian/Conformist] are shunned).??Every time I hear anything about Canada it's always good.??I had a friend just get back from Canada and said he didn't even wanna come back.??D:

Not that I'm saying Canada would accept my hair style or religion.??I've just wanted to move out of America since I was a kid and the other English-speaking nations are too far away.??=p

Anyway - the show of my hair isn't the problem.??It is the length.??As such, I need to cut it.??Any ideas on styles for my color (strawberry-blond)???Sweat

And, yes, I do play. No1

RE: Cutting my hair - Need input.??/swt - Kittie - 04-21-2010

Just tie them to the back O_O

DONT CUT OFF YOUR HAIR!!! Or i'll be sure to give you nightmares about long hair strangling your for cutting it off >:o
Long hair = love <3
plese dont cut it off Cry

RE: Cutting my hair - Need input.??/swt - Whispers - 04-21-2010

omg - I don't have a choice. D:

It's either cut my hair or be unemployed. =/

RE: Cutting my hair - Need input.??/swt - Kittie - 04-21-2010

your country is lame :/
(sorry for saying that XD)

what is the 'hate' towards guys with long hair anyway :/?
is it because they lack boobs? i think its stupid to 'discriminate' someone on their looks, its not like having long hair as a guy makes you unhygienic or something >_>" ofc in situations i understand you have to "look" decent/normal/good... but still...

i guess it depends on what job you'll have/do :/
i'm a waitress and have a lip + nose piersing, the lip piersing i take off when i'm working but the nose piersing stays in since you hardly notice that one. During intership how ever i dress up the way i want + piersings since i won't/hardly get in touch with customers from the shop (since we're in a cave a bit aways from the shop~) my boss from intership doens't really care how i look like XD

RE: Cutting my hair - Need input.??/swt - Whispers - 04-21-2010

My country is lame.??That's why I've always wanted to leave.??=/

Pretty much - guys with long hair are seen as pot-smoking, tree-hugging, peace-loving, "the man"-hating hippies.??We don't want to work, we just want to sit around, smoke pot and play our guitars all day.??Any "work" we might perform would be shotty and just absolutely half-assed.??=/

People just see long hair for what it has represented in past generations: hippies, rock stars, druggies, metalheads.??There's no such thing as a good person with long hair.??=/

There is no possible way I could be a genuinely compassionate person.??People with long hair worship the devil!
No way I might play Beethoven on my guitar instead of Dethklok (which is actually just as fun as the Beethoven!??xD).??People with long hair are just metalheads!
No way I could play the violin and piano or put everything I have into the work I do and do it diligently because I have pride in the things I do.??People with long hair have neither class nor standards.
There's no way I don't even drink let alone do drugs.??People only grow their hair out so long because they're always high and, therefor, don't remember to make themselves presentable.
No way I could have an IQ of 156 - that's just impossible.??Any intelligent person clearly has a high opinion of their appearance and having long hair is just not at all appropriate.??A man with long hair is lucky to hit average intelligence. >_>

Greatest country in the world my ass.??D:

RE: Cutting my hair - Need input.??/swt - xsimplyxtee - 04-21-2010

-pat pat- My brother is the same. He has hair pass his shoulders and doesn't want to cut it.

BUT! Let's think positive now Whistle

It gives you a chance to try something new. Neh? Ok

Well it's hard to tell what hair style would go well because your long hair is covering your ...face structure. (Jaw/cheek bones..etc)

Too bad you can't tie your hair back. That always looks good. Thinking

I thought of some that may go well. It's just my opinion though.
Hair 1 This is obviously always be in for some reason.
Yeah. Orlando BloomLooks good if you don't want bangs.

This was fun and time consuming! Laugh
Good luck witht he hair thingiemabobber. Icon_suprised

RE:??Cutting my hair - Need input.??/swt - Ellie - 04-22-2010

Whispers Wrote:guys with long hair.. peace-loving... "the man"-hating hippies.??

But... doesn't that describe Jesus to a T?

Go become a programmer.