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NEW MOVIES - Printable Version

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NEW MOVIES - Heartache - 05-06-2011

If you are into movies, then you probably wanna check these out Icon_smile
Coming in the near future.

Godzilla 3D - 2012 http://zennie2005.blogspot.com/2010/09/godzilla-2012-brian-rogers-on-legendary.html
Scary Movie 5 (late this year!)
Mass Effect (2012) (definitely happening)
& the live action Wonder Woman is in production for an early 2013 release (if the world doesnt end in 2012 of course...)

If you know of any new movies to get excited about, post them here! Icon_smile

edit:how could i forget the Hangover Part 2 and HP:Deathly Hallows pt 2 :D

RE: NEW MOVIES - WorldGovernment - 05-06-2011

kick-ass 2. period Laugh tbh, hit girl turned me on, lol am i a pedo?

here are the others somehow worth mentioning too
last airbender 2? dunno, hated the first one but im still expecting to see the 2nd one

oh and yea, "Super", forgot if that's the title, saw it on youtube, check it out too :o

RE: NEW MOVIES - Heartache - 05-06-2011

Honestly the movie should have been called Hit Girl. she was SO cool! and big daddy rocked, that slow motion warehouse shotgun sceneeeee >_< so brutal!

RE: NEW MOVIES - WorldGovernment - 05-06-2011

lmao. kick ass vs red mist is the lamest part of the movie Laugh

although the scene where kick-ass fights the gangster was awesome, well the script is Laugh

oh and yea, i forgot one movie,

piranha 3DD Laugh oh, which reminds me, american pie 8. any news?

RE: NEW MOVIES - Heartache - 05-06-2011

It's going to be called American Pie 5, because the others were just spin-offs. im guessing this one will include all the original cast and main characters where number 4 left offIcon_smile
TBR in 2012

RE: NEW MOVIES - Kittie - 05-08-2011

Wait Piranha 3DD? Like the female forms in the last movie wheren't big enough already... o_o

I'm looking forward to the last part of HP :3 I loved the book.
Before i post more i'll need to see what else is coming heh

RE: NEW MOVIES - Heartache - 05-08-2011

Cars 2 - Lightning and Mater go on a world tour apparently :3
[Image: MV5BMTUzNTc3MTU3M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzIx...0,209_.jpg]

Smurfs - Gargamel chases the smurfs out of their world and into ours Icon_smile
[Image: MV5BMTY4MDc2NzQ4MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDc5...0,209_.jpg]

Kung Fu Panda 2 - same characters, same boss, new reason to fight him
[Image: MV5BMTg4MTQ3NTI3Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzEz...0,209_.jpg]

Scream 4 - still cant wait to see it!
[Image: MV5BMTQzMzk2OTI3MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTQ0...0,209_.jpg]

RE: NEW MOVIES - WorldGovernment - 05-08-2011

kung fu panda 2 = swan boss, not the tiger :o

american pie 4 is stifler's brother's story iirc, the band camp thingy, i wish it's the original cast from 1-3 that will star on the new one :o *misses the original stifler*

harry potter, i got some bad memories with that movie :<

ohohohohoh! this one will definitely be a hit! Zombieland 2 /rice;

and abt piranha, im curious if the survivors survived from the parents :o /lie off Laugh

RE: NEW MOVIES - nezu - 06-04-2011


RE: NEW MOVIES - Heartache - 06-04-2011

I heard it was amazing but never saw it Icon_sad