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TaeKwon Mission list - Printable Version

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TaeKwon Mission list - Fyrus Carmin - 09-23-2011

Is it possible to remove quest-related monsters (namely Thief Mushroom and Allegiance ones) from the TaeKwon mission list ?

RE: TaeKwon Mission list - Whispers - 09-23-2011

This was brought up forever ago.??Never really got a response...

Here they are:

Anyone who has ever attempted to make a ranker has run into this problem at least once.

I remember when I was still trying to make The Master a ranker (got bored, went SG).??I got waves of TG, quest and ToH mobs.??It was insane.
Part of the reason I switched to SG.??Ok

However, Aki feels "that the mission information comes from the general monster information table which is why every monster comes up in the Mission Skill results. If that is such, then the results cannot be modified."

I wonder - if this is the case - if maybe it can be made to read from a different table.??Say... a custom, natural-spawn-only table? Thinking

RE: TaeKwon Mission list - Fyrus Carmin - 09-23-2011

Except as far as I know, it has been changed once. I don't remember when exactly, but I'm sure it did.

The problem is now, they've introduced new monsters, and they show up as well.

RE:??TaeKwon Mission list - Former-GM-Circe - 09-28-2011

Fyrus Carmin Wrote:The problem is now, they've introduced new monsters, and they show up as well.

Which does support the autoreading.

We don't go in and add all the new mobs/ToH mob sin manually to screw you guys over.

Though that could be fun...

RE: TaeKwon Mission list - Whispers - 09-28-2011

Wait wait wait...

You mean to tell me that you guys sit there and work on improving the server as opposed to finding ways of making us all miserable?

Where are you guys stationed? Canada? D:

RE: TaeKwon Mission list - The Legendary Joe - 09-28-2011

lol At the very least the set the game to give you monsters of your level. I will never forget that my VERY FIRST MISSION on any Taekwon ever on heRO was Lord of Death. and that was like level 20-ish.