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A>98 Noble Stalker Account - Printable Version

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A>98 Noble Stalker Account - HellishGod - 03-24-2012

Male Account.
98 Stalker (Noble)
90 Alchemist (Lif)
98 Priest (17/100% till 99)
95 Sage
85 Bard

Non Trade-able gears:
Zodiac Wings [No card]


Deporte Doll [1] x2 or with [Incubus/Nightmare]
Variant Shoes
Diablos Rings x2 or with [Mantis/Phen]
Valkyrie Shield x(many)
Alice Card (can be in +7 Stone Buckler)

If the bids are not satisfactory I will not sell it. I hold this right.

RE: A>98 Noble Stalker Account - luckiiez - 03-26-2012

99 ur stalker and Alchemist

then i ll SB =D

email changed ?