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Movie of me and lance pulling pranks ^^ - Printable Version

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Movie of me and lance pulling pranks ^^ - Vince101 - 11-11-2006

OK if you really want to se us funny, you got to watch this!!!! So funny Icon_twisted


Hopefully it works... If not Type in Nukelaser on youtube.

RE: Movie of me and lance pulling pranks ^^ - Former-GM-Mystra - 11-11-2006

I do *not* get it at all... whats so funny?

RE: Movie of me and lance pulling pranks ^^ - Vince101 - 11-11-2006

you will understand, if you played halo Icon_cool.

RE: Movie of me and lance pulling pranks ^^ - Ultima_Pi - 11-12-2006

Whoever was laughing does laugh like a retard, lol.

Typical Halo stuff. 3/10 for having about 5 seconds of actual viewing material, which is still pretty common anyways.

RE: Movie of me and lance pulling pranks ^^ - Hina - 11-12-2006

It looked like a pile of stuffed teddy bears exploded outwards....

RE: Movie of me and lance pulling pranks ^^ - Vince101 - 11-13-2006

lol i guess it kinda looks like giant teddy bears exploading outwards.Icon_biggrin

RE: Movie of me and lance pulling pranks ^^ - Sekaru - 11-13-2006

VINCE THATS EVIL!!!! YET SO HILLARIOUS!!!! stupid noobs lol what did you say to get them all there lol ... ahhh noobs the biggest source of entertainement to a gamer lol

RE: Movie of me and lance pulling pranks ^^ - Static - 11-14-2006

man you guys gathered the best idiots ever... and i love your ending music... oh and i sent you friend requestIcon_biggrin

RE: Movie of me and lance pulling pranks ^^ - Pyronic - 11-14-2006

told you it was a good idea to post that vid on forums Icon_biggrin

RE: Movie of me and lance pulling pranks ^^ - Vince101 - 11-14-2006

Also check out Dude Vince he is my 2nd character on halo... Send him a friend request to. Icon_cool