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Fishing - Printable Version

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Fishing - Serenity - 02-14-2007

Why is fishing point cap at 50? Still getting a tons of guppy. In my opinion, that's a lot of clicking to still be getting a lot of guppy. Has GM consider increasing the cap? Just a thought on my part.

RE: Fishing - GM-Pandora - 02-14-2007

More fishing points allow you to catch Angel fish, OBB, OPB and OCA! At 50 you catch less Guppy and other lower fish, but you don't stop getting them entirely. The higher your fishing points also the less you are likely to get nothing for a bait.

If you have no love for the guppy, feel free to feed them to the floor Icon_lol

RE: Fishing - silvanel - 02-14-2007

for 1500 bait you get about 500 guppy/250 trout/180 bass/100 salmon/40-50 angelfish/5-10 doris/ 2-5 nemo/4-10 obb/2-5 opb/0-1 oca

still aint that bad since you can sell the remaining stuff and get your zenny back,

RE: Fishing - Serenity - 02-14-2007

At 50 points, I'm getting 5-10 less guppy per 200 baits. I meant I still get 6 or 7 guppy in a row now. When I started at 0 points, I imagine that you wouldn't get so many guppy at 50 points, but I guess I was wrong (or may be unlucky). So not much of a difference that I can see. It seems to be that I get more fish and less of the you didn't catch it kinda thing. Any chance you have the percentage on what you can catch and stuff? Icon_smile

RE: Fishing - Cream - 02-14-2007

guppies need loving too Icon_cry

RE: Fishing - Motenai_Ronin - 02-15-2007

the tool shop loves the guppies Icon_biggrin