heRO-Server Forum
ToH Boss Rush December 27th, 2021 at 7:00PM and 9:00PM server time - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: ToH Boss Rush December 27th, 2021 at 7:00PM and 9:00PM server time (/showthread.php?tid=30764)

ToH Boss Rush December 27th, 2021 at 7:00PM and 9:00PM server time - GM-Pereca - 12-20-2021

Hosts: GM-Pereca and GM-Ayu
What: ToH-Boss Rush edition
When: Monday December 27th, 2021 at 7:00PM EDT Server Time
Monday December 27th, 2021 at 9:00PM EDT Server Time

Description: The Dark and Light allegiance will fight 10 Bosses at separate times and will be rewarded based on the amount of cumulative waves they complete.

The Dark Allegiance will begin their portion of the event at 7:00PM Server time.
The Light Allegiance will begin their portion of the event at 9:00PM Server time.

Rules and requirements:
  • Players must be level 89+ in order to participate.
  • There will be a party made by the GMs who are hosting the event, you must be in the party in order to participate. In the event that there are too many participants to fit into one party the participants will then be divided into 2 parties as evenly as possible.
  • The heRO Discord will be available for voice chat if players wish.
  • Participants are expected to join the event on the character which they wish to receive the rewards at the end of the event.
  • Participants may not change characters midway through the event.
  • Battles will take place back-to-back across with no NPC access to heal, storage, and repair will be available in between the waves.
  • Boss battles will take place from least to most difficult and come prepared for anything because the bosses will be a surprise.
  • If you disconnect or crash, PM a GM to get warped back to the fight. GMs are not responsible for any items that may be lost from pets or if a pet runs away.
  • Rewards will be accumulated based on the level of difficulty that the Heroes accomplish and will be given out at the end of the event.
Wave 1: 5 Premium Coin Bag
Wave 2: 50 Prize medals
Wave 3: 1 Rough Enriched Ore
Wave 4: 1 Old Card Album
Wave 5: 1 ToH Voucher
Wave 6: 1 Rough Enriched Ore
Wave 7: 1 Old Red Box
Wave 8: 1 Costume Snow Cone Hat
Wave 9: 1 GM Service Ticket
Wave 10: 1 ToH Voucher

RE: ToH Boss Rush December 27th, 2021 at 7:00PM and 9:00PM server time - GM-Pereca - 12-27-2021
