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Potato man v.Ro - Printable Version

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Potato man v.Ro - Sekaru - 12-04-2007

don't ask why I thought up this suggestion lol.

I think it would be cool/fun to give all pets the ability to wear pet quip (note don't get confused with the ones they can already wear) I dunno I think it would be cool to see a smokie pet with a smokie leaf or a yoyo with glasses or something fun like that... what would be REALLY cool would be giving pets their own wings that allow them to use a special skill. It would really be appreciated for those who level alone with just a pet plus would look a lot cooler Icon_razz and more customs ^_^ yay!

RE: Potato man v.Ro - GM-Pandora - 12-04-2007

Soooooo not easy to do, if doable at all! Would require change in the code of the game + sprites for each new gear per pet Icon_eek