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Questions regarding homun - Printable Version

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Questions regarding homun - Kaoreii - 03-16-2008


1) One of the rules is don't go afk with your homun on a map with monsters. Does this include if the homun is passive? (which would be easy to check, a GM would just have to spawn a monster and see if the little thing went "OMGAR KILL!!!!") IMO a passive homun shouldn't consititute as botting (since it's just like an AFK player) but since I don't write the rules, I want to make sure.

2) @hominfo -- do we has it?

RE: Questions regarding homun - GM-Pandora - 03-16-2008

The point is no afk leveling basically, if neither you or your homunculus are leveling (attacking monsters) then it should be ok.

We don't want any bot-like afkmist, that's all.

RE: Questions regarding homun - Kaoreii - 03-16-2008

AFKemist FTL~

Thanks lovely Love

RE: Questions regarding homun - Altaire - 03-16-2008

If the player were to go afk, I believe there should be a way to turn the homunc active/passive with Alt + t. Not sure if it works here :x

RE: Questions regarding homun - wussypuff - 03-16-2008


@hominfo and @homstat

can we have those please? :D

RE: Questions regarding homun - GM-Pandora - 03-16-2008

If you go AFK you can make your homun rest.

We're thinking about the commands, for now they are not in.

RE: Questions regarding homun - wussypuff - 03-16-2008

...thinking about them?

how are they bad at all?!

(just noticed this could be taken as b*tching, not intended!!!! just need clarification :D sorry if i offended! was not meant to be taken that way Sweat )

RE:??Questions regarding homun - Rhino_Man - 03-18-2008

Altaire Wrote:If the player were to go afk, I believe there should be a way to turn the homunc active/passive with Alt + t. Not sure if it works here :x

it exists but it doesn't work very well. A homunculus will automatically turn active if the alchemist gets attacked. Just rest it before you go afk, you can call it when you get back.

RE: Questions regarding homun - Général_Argos - 03-18-2008

I also have a suggestion regarding homunculus, could we have a fifth homunculus that would be detale? >:O

RE:??Questions regarding homun - GM-Ayu - 03-18-2008

G?n?ral_Argos Wrote:I also have a suggestion regarding homunculus, could we have a fifth homunculus that would be detale? >:O

I like this suggestion. Perhaps that the quest for it can be so Krimlin must donate a GR card and a pole axe with 20 mil zeny each time to create the special embryo for Detale?