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Autotrade Limit - Printable Version

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Autotrade Limit - kamiyami - 04-12-2008

I believe that a limit to the maximum amount of time a person can remain in autotrade mode should be put at 24 hours. There is a constant server population of many autotraders. Not only that, but they stack over each other all trying to squeeze onto the main street of prontera. It would also help in forcing merchants to upgrade their shops instead of having a AT merchant sit there until they have nothing left to sell.

RE: Autotrade Limit - GM-Ayu - 04-12-2008

if they are directly stacking each other, tell a GM and we can close the shop of the one standing on top. most of the time you just need to zoom closer and the overlap stops.

I think that having more merchants is a good thing overall (if they are selling things you are looking for or not, is another matter.) It gives you choices in merchandises rather than having it empty ya?

RE: Autotrade Limit - The Legendary Joe - 04-12-2008

It's hard to find a good place to vend that's easy and will attract business. If this were a democracy of the players, I'd be inclined to agree with Kamiyami.

RE: Autotrade Limit - kamiyami - 04-12-2008

GM-Ayu Wrote:if they are directly stacking each other, tell a GM and we can close the shop of the one standing on top. most of the time you just need to zoom closer and the overlap stops.

This is true but it happens so often reporting seems to be of no use i have never come to pront and seen ppl not stacked up.

GM-Ayu Wrote:I think that having more merchants is a good thing overall (if they are selling things you are looking for or not, is another matter.) It gives you choices in merchandises rather than having it empty ya?

While it gives you choices its more likely than not the same stuff that was there 3 days ago.So it is best that it is closed so when they see that something has not sold when they go to reAT they should know to A. Reduce the price. or B. Stop selling it.

The Legendary Joe Wrote:It's hard to find a good place to vend that's easy and will attract business. If this were a democracy of the players, I'd be inclined to agree with Kamiyami.

Democracy doesnt exist in RO just opinions of what should be changed.

RE: Autotrade Limit - Wired - 04-12-2008

Im currently checking shop in pront , theres around 40 shop its awsome for shoping items and I dont see any shop stacked on each other or anything a good zoom out or a camera angle change wont solve. It aint really hard for you to zoom out to check shops. yes theres people standing there with the same items for a week... you end up kowing them by hart and you just stop checking them . thats it.

RE: Autotrade Limit - Général_Argos - 04-12-2008

Wired Wrote:Im currently checking shop in pront , theres around 40 shop its awsome for shoping items and I dont see any shop stacked on each other or anything a good zoom out or a camera angle change wont solve. It aint really hard for you to zoom out to check shops. yes theres people standing there with the same items for a week... you end up kowing them by hart and you just stop checking them . thats it.


And its conveniant to have merchant set for weeks when you know you won't be able to play for some time.

RE: Autotrade Limit - Goop2 - 04-12-2008

What about the guy who's been camped in Pr0ntera selling undershirts for over a month? He hasn't sold any, yet he continues to sit there with the same stuff at the same price.

RE: Autotrade Limit - GM-Ayu - 04-12-2008

Goop2 Wrote:What about the guy who's been camped in Pr0ntera selling undershirts for over a month? He hasn't sold any, yet he continues to sit there with the same stuff at the same price.
Wired Wrote:you end up knowing them by heart and you just stop checking them

RE: Autotrade Limit - kamiyami - 04-12-2008

G?n?ral_Argos Wrote:And its conveniant to have merchant set for weeks when you know you won't be able to play for some time.

I'm sorry to say, but someone not being able to play for weeks is a personal problem which gets in the way of people who are actively updating their shops and trying to vend in prontera without having other people get so close to them that their sign is hardly visible. I want all people to have a fair chance of having their shop visited, becuase do to simplicity can u honestly say u would go zoom and angle change just to see every single shop just because someone else is above them?

RE: Autotrade Limit - Lysander - 04-12-2008

I'm with you buddy, I hardly ever check shops anymore ... after seeing that 4mil bone helm for the MILLIONTH time I just kind of got sick of it all. I know a time limit wouldn't fix that but it would get rid of some of the garbage plaguing the streets and might just make people think twice about their over exorbitant prices.