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ToH is getting too big - Printable Version

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ToH is getting too big - Rhombus - 02-28-2009

Well, we had a new record turnout for ToH again. I am assuming that we will keep growing and ToH will keep becoming more and more pack. I think we need a couple changes.

Item - Something has to be done about the ksing. Many do it, but especially the hunters. The truth is that don't care, they ks because they can get away with it(one shot and from a distance) and it will hurt your already constricted time to go out of the way and type please don't ks. And you are pretty much shooting yourself in the foot points-wise if you try to get significant proof, with screen shooting, giving warning and telling a gm.
A. I suggest we either make multiple group runs so less people are around, more monsters.
B. Give hunters there own map
C. More GMs with harsh penalties.
D. Give hunters less time or other classes more time.

My other suggestion is to break down ToH in a month. A lot of people can't devote 9 hours straight to a game, I know its a trial and all, but the time is really getting up there. When I started a year ago I think it was average 4 hours and that was long. You could make a sign up date the beginning of each month. Have maybe 2 or 3 monster trials the first week, so they don't last 4 hours each. Then the next week of the month have you item days. Set up pvp for week 3, give you plenty of time to work on match ups since you will know for 2+ weeks. And in the last week of the month have the mass pvp and trivia. Maybe even make all 3 rounds of the mass on different days so the battle can vary.
The only problem with this is that multiple accounts could pull a set of wings each month. But I think it would help more than it would hurt.

RE: ToH is getting too big - teOx - 02-28-2009

great idea. the splitting up thing.

also, bigger map. used to be in izlude rofl. TOH prontera or something. havent done toh in like 6 months but sounds like the solution.

RE: ToH is getting too big - Jasper - 02-28-2009

Well, thats the reason I didnt go toToH today because I knew it would be packed.

What they could do is host everyone who is doing Monster+PVP one day, Monster+Item another day, and in a rare case PvP+item on a third day. This would GREATLY reduce the amount required for ToH.

RE: ToH is getting too big - Ellie - 02-28-2009

The problem with hunters, is that due to their range, they can kill a creature on the end of their screen, and not be able to see someone else on the other side of it, and unaware that they KSed.

You dun have access to storage in ToH, do you?
By splitting it over a month, you're allowing peopel to restock on pots/fish and the such, too.

But yar.
More maps would be good.
As KSing seems to be so common, people are obviously contending for most of the mobs.

RE: ToH is getting too big - Adrillf - 02-28-2009

I didn't see this thread when I started my whine thread. . . so here's a link in case we would like the two merged.


RE:??ToH is getting too big - SpacePope - 02-28-2009

Ellie Wrote:Aye.
By splitting it over a month, you're allowing peopel to restock on pots/fish and the such, too.
hadnt thought of that. and that does pose a fatal flaw with splitting it up.

#1 monster: more portals?

#2 why not make two runs of item
-1st run for dark side
-2nd run for light side
(or vice versa)
item is already really quick, so this wouldnt really make toh any longer

this will also help balance the ten points that we darklings get every toh from mass battle.??if there is more??dark side people, we'll have an edge in the mass battle, but ther'll be more of us competing for the limited resources of item and should in theory score less than the fewer light side forces (overall)
and as ive said before, give monsters autocast of level 3 defender on spawn, screw you snipers.
i think the map size is appropriate though.??an item hunt in pront seems too large.??walking from one side to the other can be??rather time consuming.??especially for classes without increase movement built in (windwalk, peco peco) and lack an increase movement heagear.
and just from the size of it, its more than likely you wont find some of the npcs.

i feel confident 2 runs will make things much smoother.
or one run at item only for archer class, let them killsteal each other


RE: ToH is getting too big - Ellie - 02-28-2009

Manditory PVP?
No thankksss. XD

If it was set, I'd never go to ToH. Nevereverever.

RE: ToH is getting too big - Fruityla - 02-28-2009

Too bad an extra 20 minutes seems to be the end of the world in regards to splitting us up for item *Eyeroll*

Mandatory PvP would just do more harm than good.

And honestly, ToH overall is just a huge mess with how much the server and the event has grown. To the point I find I'm very unwilling to even try anymore because i don't want to put up with the crap =/ (Hurray for saying this twice now)

RE: ??ToH is getting too big - SpacePope - 02-28-2009

i hate this idea and its not gonna happen so ignore it

perhaps a minimum level req for toh, and just make all the monsters alot harder in monster?

i scored 50 points, but im a 97 LK
BUT i dont think i should be able to score 50 points in monster

RE: ToH is getting too big - Corporal - 02-28-2009

Hunters and Snipers were excel in PvM. I agree that ToH is getting too big, but nerfing a class just because you don't know how to beat them is unreasonable. Seeing as you're a champ, I don't see why you can't use Snap -> Push Palm.

Next point. Although I do agree that splitting item trial into two is a good idea, splitting it by class makes no sense. Majin's idea for the allegiance split is definitely a good suggestion. My votes goes to that.

Autocast defender level 3? Yes, let's screw over anything that uses long range attacks. That should do the trick, eh?

Quote:Manditory PVP?
No thankksss. XD

If it was set, I'd never go to ToH. Nevereverever.
Must I say more?