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I quit. :] - Printable Version

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I quit. :] - Rawr! - 04-19-2009

Bye everyone, it's been pretty good here, but I applied for GM on another server and I haven't been AS active as I was before.
(This is not in order)
Baby Snow
[Insert name here if I forgot you]

EDIT: Posted edited by GM-Ayu for pointless hate messages that none of us really need to know about in such a fashion, and it's flame bait.

RE: I quit. :] - Galt - 04-19-2009

Um, good luck with the GM job? :D

Have fun. Icon_biggrin

RE: I quit. :] - Rawr! - 04-19-2009

Thanks, atleast SOMEONE isn't being all bitchy at me because I applied. :D

RE: I quit. :] - Aaronock - 04-19-2009

I barely knew you dude :O
But have fun wherever you go!

RE: I quit. :] - Rawr! - 04-19-2009

Thank you, I will.

RE: I quit. :] - GM-Aki - 04-19-2009

Sweat Well it was nice to see you in the forum. Don't think I've had the chance to meet you in game.

RE: I quit. :] - DeAmascus - 04-19-2009

??First off, I find his signature offensive unless it can be proven otherwise. Second off, if it didn't happen in game, but on msn, it's not proof. So please take the signature off as I do not appreciate it.

Tyler...I wasn't the one to block you. Also, in my defense I will post the following, and I'd be damn proud to get a warning for it too if that so happens.

[GM-Ayu edit: took out wall of text in middle here
Reason: personal affairs that should be left to private. PM DeAmascus if those involved want to sort it out personally and want to see original message.]

You want to prove me wrong, Prove me wrong..but half proof please, thank you!


P.S. If anyone wants proof, I have screen shots, I'm more than willing to post. <3?

And you forgot Colorz?

RE: I quit. :] - CanadaEH - 04-19-2009

-Sigh- Dude she right in alot of ways..You kinda were pushing her buttons..and this. This is a petty pathetic attempt for attention its kinda depressing she didnt go around trash talking you or blaming you for stuff. I got into a fight with her yesterday :/ you don't see me making a thread trying to draw attention to Me or Her. Arguments happen no need to bring it public, you could have just said Goodbye peacefully rather then try to bring her down.

I thought if anyone you'd be a bigger man then this. Guess I was quite wrong. She said some things but only after you directly/indirectly lied to her and they werent bad either. If you say you know her aswell you do then you should know that lieing is a No No.

But in the end good luck man, have fun or whatever it is you're going to do. -_-

RE: I quit. :] - DeAmascus - 04-19-2009

Also, I apologize for this but. He has me blocked, so I couldn't have really PM'd him or msn'd him. My apologize to the GM team, and anyone else who is reading.

RE: I quit. :] - GM-Ayu - 04-19-2009

This attempt of "Hate List" is silly and just asking for flames. Mature people should be able to work it out by themselves or if not, just no need for contact with each other.

"Hate list" cut out as it is completely pointless in every way that I see it.