Well, I'm aware there's another pok?mon thread already active, so feel free to send me to hell and back with flame over how this could be in that thread.
Has anyone here tried to do a nuzlocke run with their pok?mon game(s)? I'm currently doing one on pok?mon sapphire (I deleted my lovely level 100 pok?mon to start over with nuzlocke... ) and well, I've had to restart once already.
So far my team is composed of:
1. Legolas - Kadabra - Lvl 20
2. Blade - Grovyle - Lvl 20
3. Reefu - Zigzagoon - Lvl 14
4. Slick - Zigzagoon - Lvl 15
5. Zim - Zubat - Lvl 18