I've finally managed to recruit people to play here!
They don't have forum accounts yet because I'm still teaching them how to play RO and I don't know if they're really interested in the forums (but I've made them all promise to vote for heRO, so that's good enough).
I live in a fraternity at college and I've convinced three (hopefully soon to be five) guys I live with to play on the server with me. We're making a little mini party and only leveling those characters together. I'm not posting this so you can say hi to them (since they won't see it) but to let you all know about it and to make sure that we don't get banned (we might look like multi-clients since I think we all register to servers as sharing the same IP Address).
You may have already seen us running around in a small mob as novices. I'm really excited
EDIT: There are now six of us playing