this is just something random my friend thought up a while back. It goes something like this.
Monday to Friday (or take out friday) give 1x exp (or whatever amount)
Sat & Sunday (or Friday too...) give maybe 1.25x exp (or whatever amount)
You can also change drops accordingly
This is to even up for the people who only get to play on weekends (It'd be annoying if I could only play on weekends and everyone just out levels me on the weekdays, I'd be left behind!)
This would set a few days where the server would be full of people much more interaction.
This would make it harder to quit the server? Maybe...
4. If you decide to make it less than 1x exp for weekdays.
This wouldn't bother the weekday players much because they have the whole weekday days as a bonus you could say.
5. My personal favorite (not much of a reason though) - It'd encourages the people who have school to stop playing games all the time and do their homework.
PS: Not as much as a suggestion more like an idea this time.
We're also already a 5/5/3 server and if majority of the week had an increased rate its personally a turn off on me :x As its rare enough to find this low of a rate with customs that keep balanced game play xD
You know. It would be interesting to have a stretch during the summer, maybeh 5 days of double rates. Just for 5 days. Or maybe have it for a weekend during summer and a weekend during winter?
I know this, the server I last played on. They had a double rate event, and posted about it months in advanced. The server's pop doubled. This could be a bad thing in that the server's pop would double for more exp, then dwindle in light of the lower rates. But if more ppl come in, then they would be more likely to stay after seeing the server's atmosphere.. right?