-I suggest for more interaction between the community there should be a boardcast npc in cities, which when payed ( reason price ) will allow the user to boardcast a preset message around the RO World
-For example: ( Name ) ( and level ) is looking for a party in ( City name )
-This will allow Players to be able to ' get together ' ( that sounded wierd Dx ) more easily and meet new people
-There should also be a restricted number of times you can do it in a set period of time to prevent spamming
should regulate the ammount of times it gets broadcast and interval between broadcast and how manytimes in a period of 24 hours they can ask to broadcast...
I am the stone that the builder refused Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi?
This needs to be heavily regulated because in my old server (200 people online usually) we had a broadcaster that just got used way too often and annoyed a lot of people.