I read on iROwiki that the ninja skill water escape technique permanently lowers Homunc agility and flee and the like, and can knock it all the way down to 0 if it runs through it enough. Has it been fixed here, or at all? Thanks.
despite knowledge of eAthena code, I might recommend that this be tested with GM supervision, just to be safe. If the agi does get lowered, I'm sure we can find a way to fix it
HibikiTheAlchemist: 9x/5x Biochemist
~~Rose: 99 Lif (First homunc on heRO to evolve!)
Hibiki: 95/50 Brewer alt
Rogue Skye: 91/50 Dagger Rogue/Farming alt
Blueberry Poring: 8x Monk
Arrow Chucker: 7x Bard
Shotgun Sinner: 7x Shotgun/Launcher Gunslinger
Rapid Fire Redemption: 7x Revolver/Gatling Gunslinger
homunculus have been 100% aoe free since htey first came out on gravity, I just don't know for certain whether iRO or kRO still does that as of right now.
however, no amount of aoe effects, ground effects, or the like stopped any homunculus I have ever seen before. in fact, it largely makes them frustrating to deal with by wizards and the like.
however, I do agree that gm testing would be helpful to settle the matter.