i've this items to Auction here, i'll keep the right to refuse to sell if the price is not as i like.
Starting price for Red Glasses is
10m?? minimum increment is 500k
Starting price for Dragon Tail Card is
2m?? minimum increment is??300k
auction will end 27/01/09??4pm server time
Trades interessed in are evil druid card(valued 12m), strouf(valued 6.5m), peco peco egg card(valued 6.5m), vadon card(valued5m), skeleton worker card(valued 8m), wild rose(valued 2m) i'll add more later
(if you have those card but not interessed in trade, pm me on forum or in game to chek if we could have a different deal

you can offer here or by pm in game to Kord?? Melpurvatta?? or??Van-Vought
updated with value of the cards, uptade ending time of the auction