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Final Fantasy Tactics
I started playing it yesterday and I never realised how freakin hard it is.. I'm not sure how I beat it when I was 13, Soo anybody got and 1337 tips for me, ((Without the use of gameshark)) So I can beat the game again
((and I know about the *Square*+ L/R skill glitch, it doesn't help enough.))
VaIor: Paladin 9x/6x, Valor: High Priest 99/70, Valor's Chemist: Creator 9x/6x, Weaver: Clown 99/70, Blank: Stalker 9x/6x, Spire: Sniper 9x/6x
Current project: Farming zeny to buy stuff to put my cards in!
I am a proud member of The ' Wine Brewing Society'. If you are interested in joining, look for a representative in aldebaran. Or make a post in our guilds forum thread!
11-07-2007, 10:17 AM |
Explorer of Wonderland
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RE: Final Fantasy Tactics
Did not know about whatever glitch is mentioned o_o;
Increase Brave as much as possible (not hard with Ramza's squire skill whatever it was called, Namin? does not remember), lower faith for any non-caster as much as possible. Personally thinks that besides summons and calculators, magic is totally pointless due to charge time, fluctuating damages due to faith (and the opponent's faith gets lower and lower), and how it is friendly fire... Black mage is decent for leveling up to be a future caster/samurai though with its large int boost.
As mentioned already, Ninja is overpowered. Having one on the team will really help. Monk is one of the strongest class early on, and even later Monk's skills are still above average. Chakra really boosts survival rate early on (since for some reason, early boss battle maps are always on flat terrain which is to the Monk's advantage.)
~ Pyo! (Linker) ~ Pyuu (Sniper) ~ Namine (FS HP) ~ Cessini (Stalker) ~ Meteor Storm (ME HP) ~
11-07-2007, 01:48 PM |
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RE: Final Fantasy Tactics
Well I think my problem is running out of mp and such, however Magic users are not useless as you have said, Time mage gets an ability that greatly lowers the cast time of most mages, I'm on my way to creating a summoner with this ability, And I'm going to definitely going to make a duel wielding Knight soon as I unlock ninja.
I'll also get Chakra, I know that skill is very useful, and it will solve my mp problem, Thanks for that Namine :D
((The glitch allows you to buy all of the skills without paying for them in a few classes, but they must have enough abilities to have a scroll bar, for example:
A black mage with only 100 jp selects that he wants to buy the skill 'Fire 1' when the confirmation window appears you hold *Square* Then press either L1 or R1 selecting a different skill, select 'Yes' Then you should have 0000 points. Exit the menu. Reenter the menu, and you should have 9999jp in that job class  ))
VaIor: Paladin 9x/6x, Valor: High Priest 99/70, Valor's Chemist: Creator 9x/6x, Weaver: Clown 99/70, Blank: Stalker 9x/6x, Spire: Sniper 9x/6x
Current project: Farming zeny to buy stuff to put my cards in!
I am a proud member of The ' Wine Brewing Society'. If you are interested in joining, look for a representative in aldebaran. Or make a post in our guilds forum thread!
11-07-2007, 06:41 PM |
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RE: Final Fantasy Tactics
magic users are actually really pretty good, i personally like geomancers, it especially makes a handy secondary skill
Spire Wrote:And I'm going to definitely going to make a duel wielding Knight soon as I unlock ninja. the problem here is, your priority is reversed, you should make a solid knight first and 'then' work on unlocking ninja - make your priority the [equip sword] support ability and then you aren't limited to the fact that ninja swords are unavailable until the later part of the game
without cheating at all, i had a ninja strike team by the time i reached Dorter (yes, the third city), it just takes a little time and applying yourself
for fun, i used to send my characters one at a time into maps, just to see how easily i could kill everything
[ Yuri - baby assassin] [ Coral Ways - high wizard]
11-07-2007, 07:27 PM |
Explorer of Wonderland
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RE: Final Fantasy Tactics
Lower cast time is like comparing fast cast with instant cast of RO  without much excessive damage either. Melee attacks like Ninjas usually do more damage without any charge time. Spells need cast time no matter how they are looked at, not to mention damage goes down if the opponent has low faith (melee attacks do not obey the same rule for low brave though.)
Calculator's ability will make magic instant cast, however, which is how magics are usually used.
Summons are the only one justified (and yes, with the time mage's support) to Namin? to be deemed worthy of using, because the low level summons are reasonably fast with a large aoe that normal black magic will not reach until the Lv 4 spells (with their amazing... 10 speed? Shiva/Ramuh/Ifrit has like 30 or 35 and not too bad in damage either, without friendly fire)
Namin? went with thief for Ninja. Thief gives the most speed boost, which is the only stats the Ninja needs. Throw ability's damage depends on the item thrown and the Ninja's speed, not strength. Matters not for Namin? if she got no weapons, as long as she can move 3 times for everyone 1 of the opponents and deal all damage by throwing those 50 bucks shuriken ^_^ By the time throw is not doing enough damage through common items, the Ninja swords are available already.
Namin? likes Knights to be a better transition to Lancer instead~
Either way, Namin? will imagine that healing is probably an issue, as her first play through has the same problem. Rely on items, and less on white magic. Hated the unreliability of white magic, and how raise will miss... Mustadio makes a great chemist for obvious reasons, and Namin? likes to rely on chemist far more than white mage (Namin? only learned cure, cure2, raise, and holy. Raise2 and Reraise are close candidates, but usually not needed by that point of game because the enemy gets more and more a joke...)
To be honest, Namin? finds early parts of FFT to be far more challenging than the later part of the game... In a match of fighter vs fighter, not much strategy to win =/
~ Pyo! (Linker) ~ Pyuu (Sniper) ~ Namine (FS HP) ~ Cessini (Stalker) ~ Meteor Storm (ME HP) ~
11-07-2007, 08:42 PM |
Lazy Cartographer
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RE: Final Fantasy Tactics
I'm just going to list a few useful suggestions.
-Increase Job up, get it, love it, almost never take it off.
-Summons and Time Magic trump everything else the first two chapters. (No really, they do. A haste spell can completely alter a battle outcome and summons are close to one shotters.) Even later on a good combo is haste 2 plus the samurai sword draw of kiyomori. (whatever the shell+protect sword is named. 1 round=three powerful boosts to everyone)
-Ninja/Samurai. Get these classes, both have either fantastic base abilities (ninja) or fantastic secondary abilities (sword draw for samurai). Since the sword draw is based on magic, put it on a summoner, time mage etc and watch them rip.
-Ramza, learn cheer up asap (I think he gets it in chapter 2). Cheer Up can make a character have 97 brave. Brave is a direct calculator into damage for monks and a monk with 97 brave will be doing hundreds of damage easily with each punch.
-Agrias, a few tips for her. Always give her magic attack boosting stuff, equip her with a black robe+ice brand and watch her holy swords double in damage.
-A few good class combos, these worked well for me, but maybe I'm just crazy weird.
White Mage/Time Mage
Lancer/Guts (three guesses who that is)
About halfway through I noticed how far back most of these posts were, but damnit, this needed to be written down.
"Don't be a dick"
12-02-2007, 10:32 PM |