Sometimes it's annoying with @autoloot becvause sometimes there's lots of heavy/useless stuff you don't want below the autoloot % you're working with. And it sorta hurts you even more with farming items because sometimes (like zerom) there's NOTHING you'd care to loot aside from cards and your farming items, and when you're autolooting at say something like 0.10% you don't autoloot the items that gear, say the tengu card or Easter hat have farmed for you.
Would it be possible to do an @autolootitem command where you put in the name and/or ID number so we can autoloot specific items rather than with %'s?
@autolootitem only checks for 1 item at a time as far as I know, so you still can't pick up your OBBs with a card anyway. Plus, adding @commands have same problem as the @whosell and other similar @ type of suggestions ^_^;