Shaelyn Wrote:~laughs~ it gets weirder.??my b/f plays a character named Absinthe on the server where I came from.??between that and your alchemist speech, I thought you were him for a second...but your post is otherwise all wrong for that to be the case XD
anyway~??sorry if I talk your ear off.??I'll give you that disclaimer up-front:??I love to talk (especially on the forums)
That is quite creepy o_o; Pretty sure I'm not your boyfriend at least though ('-')b but I find him to be a cool guy, already, nyohoho.
I like chatterboxes, always interesting!
And thanks, mahawirasdamazinglyconfusingforumname, I try to browse the forum a couple times a day.. It'll take a while to soak everything up, I think I've etch-a-sketched 3 separate forum posts already.