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+10 1337 Game Thread
Post games you <3.
10 games per poster, posts in order of win.
Mine in order of win:
1. Oblivion
2. Fallout 3
3. Left 4 Dead
4. Earthbound
5. Dead Rising
6. Final Fantasy 9
7. Morrowind
8. Shadow Hearts
9. Elite Beat Agents
10.Secret of Evermore
1.Oblivion (X-Box 360)
I beat Oblivion, and if you have ever played it, you would know that the previous statement is impossible. But I did it. Every dungeon has been mapped and beaten. Every quest completed. My main character is a level 47 Rogue named Arcanas, I have roughly 300 Health (Which is freaking low) I have 100's in all of my major skills. And have legitimate 100% invisibility 100% of the time. I have beaten every expansion available for x-box. I Beat Oblivion.
2.Fallout 3 (X-Box 360)
Fallout 3 is amazing, the only reason its not my number 1 is because Oblivion was just too good. Oblivion play style, Post apocalyptic world, in the 50's Theme. This game oozes win. I have 100 hours of solid gameplay clocked, and my x-box has overheated twice playing this game. I am currently in the process of creating the 'Perfect Character'.
3. Left 4 Dead (X-Box 360)
Do you like Shooters?
If yes. Why haven't you played this yet?
If no. Do not play Left 4 Dead, watch someone else play it.
L4D plays like a movie, with the 4 characters at the actors, and the supporting cast is an entire horde of zombies. Played it, loved it.
4. Earthbound (Super Nintendo)
Classic rpg. Loved it. I've beaten it at least 5 times.
5.Dead Rising (X-Box 360)
Zombies, nuff said.
6. FF9 (Playstation 2)
This game would be the best FF game ever.. if it wasn't so cartoonie. Great story. Wonderful art.
7. Morrowind (X-Box)
This game made me Beat oblivion. I don't even want to get into how stupid powerful 'Spire' was in this game. Only downside is that this game is full of glitches. But I'm not a bug abuser. Legitimate level 67 Character. 100% damage reflection anyone?
8.Shadow Hearts (Playstation 2)
If your a fan of Rpg's, you need to play this game, it uses a unique 'ring' battle system to keep you engaged in the game play. I wish someone didn't jack my copy, I can't find another.
9.Elite Beat Agents (DS)
Super secret agents.. who dance to help people. This game is fun as hell. And insanely addicting.
10.Secret of Evermore (Super Nintendo)
Ever play Secret of Mana? You'll love this then.
VaIor: Paladin 9x/6x, Valor: High Priest 99/70, Valor's Chemist: Creator 9x/6x, Weaver: Clown 99/70, Blank: Stalker 9x/6x, Spire: Sniper 9x/6x
Current project: Farming zeny to buy stuff to put my cards in!
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02-20-2009, 10:18 PM |
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RE: +10 1337 Game Thread
All my games are on the PC.
1. Oblivion
Because it's the best RPG ever made this side of the galaxy. I could spend endless hours in this, and I still do. MODS FTW.
2. C&C: Red Alert 2
This, to me, was probably the most addictive in the RA series, even more so than other games like Starcraft. It had the fast-paced action of army battles mixed in with a tad bit of micromanagement.
3. Battlezone (1998 remake)
A totally awesome remake of the arcade game (referenced in the intro). The game's basic story is a twist in the Cold War's Space Race, only that the USA and the USSR both have militaries capable of space-flight, and the mix of FPS/RTS makes for extremely tense combat. Really hectic when you're trying to shoot, manage your troops, and your base all at the same time.
4. Dungeon Siege 2
I'll say right now it's a lot like most action H&S RPGs, only that you can have a party.
5. Half-Life (series)
Headcrabs. 'Nuff said.
6. Sins of a Solar Empire
The most incredible space-fleet game ever made. Just watch out when they rush your systems with 56 Siege Frigates and ruins your entire economy and decimates your military.
7. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War
Relic Entertainment made this incredible RTS gem. It took the gritty universe of WH40K and made it into an RTS, and also eliminated the old RTS formula of single units and static resources. Wildly popular RTS now, and the sequel just came out yesterday (also eliminated another RTS formula by getting rid of base-building).
8. Morrowind
I loved this game, after I got it after Oblivion. The world is much larger and much more fun to explore since there's not fast travel. But, alas, the static NPCs and the bland world just sort of made me bored of it.
9. Audiosurf
A music rhythm game which involves you hitting blocks on a track made to the rhythm of your music. It's awesome and extremely addictive. TRY IT. NOW.
10. Star Wars: Republic Commando
The only SW game in the entire series to get down, dirty, and gritty. Definitely worth a try.
Randomly materializing within heRO since 2008.
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02-20-2009, 10:34 PM |
Angel of Infinity
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RE: +10 1337 Game Thread
Hmmm~ D: I usually only play MMO's but I'll try to make a list, not in any particular awesomeness order.
Final Fantasy 6 -
One of the first games I've ever played When I was like 7 and could barely understand anything, but at least I made it through!
The Sims 2 -
Admittedly I only play to build houses >_> My dad found an architecture program that suited my needs far more than the game did but meh.
Elite Beat Agents -
I may never beat Spire's score but I totally scored on the last song on the hardest mode T_T
Ragnarok Online -
Since I was 9, and will probably continue being my on and off game for the next 30 years.
Harvest Moon -
Yes, I love playing a game where you farm The 3D Versions are meh.
Tales of (fill in the blank) -
The Tales games are amazing! The battle system is probably one the better aspects, not turn based like in Final Fantasy. Not to mention some pretty good story lines.
Grandia II -
I liked leveling up the little eggys for skills~ Not to mention the corny phrases before they use them! "Burn, baby burn~"
World of Warcraft -
People will probably flame me for that one D: One of the few MMO's that offer a true end-game thats worthwhile to work towards. I has a level 80 Paladin (which everyone plays now .___.; but at least I'm Prot and not stupid Ret >:O) which I shall take raiding in the near future. My old main character was a mage during BC D: I could out-dps people in full epics~ I just think they were lazy to hit buttons =_=
Photoshop -
It should count right? It's a game to me ~ A very fun one that everyone should play.
![[Image: livingcolor.jpg]](http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a237/Sakuya-/Signatures/livingcolor.jpg)
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02-22-2009, 02:34 AM |
Posting Freak
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RE: +10 1337 Game Thread
hmmm top ten games of win? geez you can't do this to me, i would have way more than 10 >.>;; but i'll list 10 anyway =)
#10 - Megaman 6
#9 - Seiken Densetsu 3
#8 - Final Fantasy 4
#7 - Final Fantasy 9
#6 - Megaman 3
#5 - Megaman Legends
#4 - Final Fantasy X & XII
#3 - Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 1 & 2
#2 - Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy 5, Secret of Mana
#1 - Chrono Trigger (SNES & DS remake), Final Fantasy 6 & 7, 7th Saga
Megaman 6: Not a bad Megaman game, but I just don't feel like they did that great of a job on it. They moved away from the Rush dog counterpart and turned it in to different "armors" which wasn't particularly well accepted (which is why Rush reappears in Megaman 7 and 8).
Seiken Densetsu 3: Although a Mana game, it just didn't seem to really "fit" in with the rest of the series, almost like they tried to put too much in to the game, especially with the class changing aspect of it. Granted this becomes a prominent feature in future Mana games, it just doesn't seem to work quite as well in that game.
Final Fantasy 4: Again, as part of the Final Fantasy series, the gameplay was pretty decent. The storyline was a bit convoluted and long-winded.
Final Fantasy 9: No, not real high on my list, but I found that game a bit too redundant, though the trance aspect was a bit nice, and not everyone could do everything, each were specific jobs and had specific abilities to learn.
Megaman 3: One of the better Megaman games made, especially for its time. Bringing back bosses from the second game really made it interesting, and they weren't easy bosses at that lol.
Megaman Legends: Definitely unique in that it was a second person view, or you could do a first person view and it retained its Megaman feel though it was more borderline RPG rather than Action/Adventure. I enjoyed the game, but it could become ridiculously easy by upgrading your weapons.
Final Fantasy X & XII: Definitely not bad games, my only qualm with X was that the plot was super linear with no deviance for side quests until really late in the game, and with XII I liked the ability map, but it just takes too much to really advance in skills, though i guess trying to master everything isn't exactly the point either lol. oh well.
Final Fantasy 8, 1 & 2: These three are here because I really couldn't decide between them at all which I liked better. 8 had a completely unique system of using junctioning of magic to stats in order to make your characters really powerful. then again, that was quite unbalanced as it was so easy to never, ever level up in that game, just by understanding how to play Triple Triad and using the proper magics at the proper time junctioned to the proper stats. As for 1 & 2, the games that started the whole Final Fantasy series, they're just epic anyway. Being new and quite advanced for their time, these two games offered wonderful storylines which really hadn't been explored (Final Fantasy 1's time looping storyline, and Final Fantasy 2's permanent death of party members as part of the storyline which was reused in Final Fantasy 4, poor Tellah). Also, Final Fantasy 2 offered such a unique "leveling" system that several later games would mimic to some degree, but never fully mimic.
Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy 5, and Secret of Mana: I really don't need to say a lot here, but I will. Chrono Cross, being sort of a sequel to Chrono Trigger, in that it runs as a parallel timeline to the Chrono Trigger timeline. Several aspects appear in Chrono Cross that were carried over from Chrono Trigger, really, more assumptions of how that story might have ended. The most prominent example is Nadia's Bell in the Dead Sea, and also the Guru (whom I will leave nameless should anyone that hasn't played the game be reading) at Viper Palace. Though one of the more heartwarming aspects is found in a sidequest involving Kid's past at the Orphanage. The battle system itself was also unique in that you had differing levels of attacks which had a percent chance to hit.
On to Final Fantasy 5 now. This game....just wow. Also, this game is the precursor to what many (myself included) consider to be the best Final Fantasy game made, Final Fantasy 6. Sticking to the theme of the Crystals, this one puts a bit of a twist in that there's some sort of force behind the crystals themselves that controls more than just the elements that make up the world. The crystals also grant people the ability to perform different tasks, or jobs.
Now time to talk about Secret of Mana. I don't even know where to begin with this game. This is one of the first (if not the first) fully interactive mulitplayer console RPG game. If you do not have multiple people controlling the other characters then they are computer controlled (which the AI for the game sucks, but that's ok). Oh the ring style menu is pretty neat, and was the first of its kind which then became a tradition for all future Mana games.
Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6 & 7: Man, even more good games to talk about. Chrono Trigger, one of the most unique, and compelling storylines created. They put a lot in to the game, multiple eras with differing map layouts, event triggers that would alter future eras if past eras were interfered with, and a silly, but interactive "collect-a-kitten." One of the many interesting features is dual and triple techniques that could be gained and performed by whoever made up your current party. The one that really gave the game the most replay value was the multiple endings that could be achieved.
I'm going to do Final Fantasy 7 first. This was really the first Final Fantasy game I played through (though I had played a bit of Final Fantasy 6 before that, at a friend's house, but it was not that much playtime). The storyline for this game blew my mind away. There was so much intertwined and plenty of action all around. The materia aspect of the game made it so everyone could pretty much be the same if you wanted to work that hard, otherwise it was just a pain in the butt and overall not really worthwhile, there were better things to do than grow materia. The music though was really, really good. Especially the final battle theme, One Winged Angel.
Ok, 7th Saga time. Not really a lot of people comment on this game, but I found it quite interesting myself. Though it seemed to take a step back in terms of graphics, it still had a decent enough storyline, and a somewhat realistic aspect of battle. First person view until the character attacked, and if you chose to run from battle, if successful the camera turned away from the monsters indicating a running away aspect.
Final Fantasy 6. If you've played the game, I don't need to say more than that. For those that haven't, this game offers one of the best villains in RPG history. The storyline is quite in-depth. Characters aren't exactly able to change jobs, however they all can access magic from espers. This is also the first Final Fantasy game to allow for more than 3 or 4 total party members throughout the game. There are up to 12 characters total of which 4 are somewhat optional, the rest join up naturally throughout the course of the story.
Phew done. I hate you spire, just so you know =P
02-22-2009, 03:24 AM |
Arch Angel
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RE: +10 1337 Game Thread
Mine will be in no particular order, because quite honestly it'd be too much of a pain to decide the order.
1. Pacman
2. Frogger
3. You know that game at the tavern with the weird rolling ball thing that you use to bowl? Yeah that.
4. Tapper
5. Final Fantasy X
6. Mrs. Pacman
Ok, ok, seriously. But it still won't be in order.
1. Shining Force I and II
2. Dragon Force!
3. Shenmue
4. Lufia series
5. Chrono Trigger
6. Final Fantasy Tactics (How could no one mention this?!)
8. Lunar series
9. Phantasy Star series (no, not online)
10. Fable
Man, do you have any idea how hard it is to remember every game I've ever played?
1. Shining Force I and II ( Sega Genesis)
From a time back when video games were video games. I strongly dislike the era that emphasizes more on graphics then gameplay and plot. So you'll probably see a lot of old school titles like this in my favorites. It may not be as pretty as the new-age stuff...but damn was it a good game. I still replay them every now and then.
2. Dragon Force ( Sega Saturn)
No one's ever, ever, ever, ever heard of this game. Ever. However, they should. It was an incredibly unique game for it's time, and even today I've not seen something that really matches it's game style. It was just really fun, there was nothing like unleashing a sonic blast against 100 dragons rushing at you and watching it cut down their forces in half. I've replayed it enough to have beaten it with all 8 characters as well. >.>
3. Shenmue ( Sega Dreamcast)
Much like Dragon Force being my sole reason for owning a Sega Saturn (or at least...keeping one until it was sold against my will)...this was the only reason I wanted a dreamcast. Amazing game, in my opinion. Blends a lot of different styles of gameplay, very immersing, very fun. I was sad that it only took me a couple days to beat, and even more so that it's an incomplete game. Kind of like a "to be continued thing" which...they never imported the second one to the states for this system! ><
4. Lufia series (Super Nintendo...and I think some GBA)
Mostly I refer to I and II though. However III has an absurdly unique ...combat system for games of this genre. Think FF style, only you have 9 characters out on the field, and you select one from each column per turn and they're all technically in combat and targetable - they also all link to each other in adjacent stat bonuses. O.o The first two don't use that system however. They're just great RPGs.
5. Chrono Trigger ( Super Nintendo)
A frog knight? Really? Does it get any cooler then that? Seriously though, one of the best RPGs of all time ...a must play.
6. Final Fantasy Tactics ( Playstation)
I'm still amazed this wasn't mentioned yet. And if you're wondering why, go play it. It'll explain everything. If I HAD to choose a number one game, this very likely would have been it.
7. Final Fantasy VII ( Playstation)
This game needs no words.
8. Lunar Series ( Originally Sega CD)
This game was remade so many times it's ridiculous. Sega CD, then Sega Saturn, then Playstation, and I've been informed it's currently on Gameboy Advance as well! That's a lot of re-releases over the years. Rightfully so too, there's a reason this series was adapted to so many different consoles. Although, I've only played the original Sega CD version...so I'm unaware if anything has been changed in one of the recent releases.
9. Phantasy Star series (Sega Genesis)
Mainly, I think of the fourth when I say this, generations of doom is up there as well. Never played any other RPG where you play through a characters family history. x.x;;; When you get really involved in a plot and attached to the characters, I think that's a sign of a good game. PH IV does that, and much like when Aeris died (C'mon we all cried >.> ) this game got me to cry too. Besides! What other game involves the main character banging someone seventeen years under the legal age and can make it seem legitimate?
10. Fable (X-box)
Did anyone else sacrafice the virgin children at midnight for the Skurm's bow or whatever? Man was that thing awesome.
02-22-2009, 05:52 AM |