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RE: The OnLive System
Getting off topic here, people.
Though I'd have to say Ellie, out of any game you could pick that had useless jumping, Oblivion was probably one of my less qualified candidates... I would think somewhere in the lines of Halo 1 where the pistol + jumping = insta-ownage.
But anyways.
SUBSCRIPTION FEE. Would you pay for it?
GAMES. You have to pay for them also. How about that?
NO MODDING. That just broke it for me right there.
And remember, people, it's designed as an ADDITION to PC gaming, NOT a replacement.
Randomly materializing within heRO since 2008.
Hi, I copy and paste profound and meaningful quotes without having an iota's worth of what it actually means!
(This post was last modified: 03-30-2009, 06:16 PM by Galt.)
03-30-2009, 06:14 PM |
Sir Awesomeness
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RE: ??The OnLive System
Sepharius Wrote:Xeke Wrote:Caffran, if you are insulted by it, then I would say you are a stupid person...
Think of it like this. You like something and support it openly. Then someone insults the thing that you like. Would you just stand by and watch as the person insults it or are you going to at least say something in its defense (even though it may be wrong)?
Xeke Wrote:Then you go jumping down the street and see how many people look at you strangely...
I still don't see whats wrong with it. So a guy jumps. I jump. He jumps. You jump. We can jump. I don't see what is really wrong with that. By the quote you had in that post, I meant the in game jumping, not real life.
If it's wrong, I'm not going to spring to it's defence. Oo; I'd rather get the facts first, but it's not really that big of a deal is it? If someone insults something I like, that's their opinion. I just keep playing the games I like.
Lol also, bout the jumping, he's kidding. He's saying that they look at the players in the game funny, just as you would if someone was jumping down the street instead of walking.
03-30-2009, 09:51 PM |
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RE:??The OnLive System
Xeke Wrote:The only confused one here is you caf... really...
You have misunderstood Ellie, and continued to try argue your points, and misunderstood again...
Yes. I couldn't see it as this argument started out, but now that I read my own posts, I can see that I was clearly not thinking. I guess I have my days.
Xeke Wrote:I see no point in trying to explain to you the meaning of what has been said, even though to all of us it is quite simple...
Yes, I know. I just feel a need to repeat everything I say (a habit that drifted over from real life tutoring).
Xeke Wrote:People insult things I like all the time... I let them live, because I insult things they like all the time...
We dont all like the same things... Live with it...
Yes, I suppose. Though, I'm a man of action, not of words.
t0nz0r Wrote:If it's wrong, I'm not going to spring to it's defence. Oo;
Its called ignorance, my dear Tony. We all have a little bit of it in all of us.
Sorry for all of (my) misunderstanding. I guess this thread got dragged out (and offtopic) because of me. >.> But I am willing to swallow my pride (unlike some people I have met), and I am willing to concede defeat in this debate.
Still though, I think it was a rather good (and non-flaming) debate.
03-30-2009, 11:06 PM |