The King
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Magic the Gathering
I know a couple people in-game play casually.
I play in competitive local tournies, Type-2 Standard, currently I have mono red aggro, mono white kithkins, and I kinda merged them lately to try out red-white kithkins. Got 3rd place last week 8-man FNM, due to lack of drawing any of my 4 paths or 3 vengeants against one guy running green/white tokens.
Though I just started Magic about a year ago, I'm starting to get more experienced, if anyone would like to discuss decks, standard competitive, or wants to start, feel free to ask me for help.
PS: If you're starting magic, PLAY DRAFT TOURNAMENTS, do not buy booster packs. If you want to play competitive or are looking for 2-3 cards in particular. Buy those cards/decks straight up. =p
Proxyt- 95 Powpow Palaladin
AleithionP - 92 Knight of War
VerityP - 5x Super Service Novice
05-26-2009, 01:44 AM |
Ethereal Engineer
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RE: Magic the Gathering
Actually if there is a good hobby store in your area, I recommend buying OLDER cards actually.??Go through the older editions or even tenth right now and pick out cards that sound good, also know what color you want to play.??In my area, we have a hobby store where you can buy commons at 10 cents a piece, uncommons at 15 for 5 bucks and rares at 10 for 15 bucks.??Of course, the more sought after cards are worth more but this is a good way to actually start magic.
My bf said the best way to learn is pick up a bunch of stuff of a color you like, then build from there, mono to me is still the easiest to build even to this day.??Though I have explored into multi color decks a little.
I have to admit I fell out of the loop of casual Magic when Alara came out.??I'm not a huge fan of the setup of the colors in this block (I don't find them fun) and I feel the game has really thrown out what each color is suppose to do out the window, or changed them in a way I find not that interesting. Blue getting shrink effects on power for example is just...BLEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHH, or getting more cards dealing with artifacts, which I find pretty darn unnecessary. Green also seems to be gaining in power and having new abilties I'm not use to seeing so often such as more of their creatures gaining haste.
My two favorite decks I made had to beeeee...
Future Sight Deck:??A mono blue deck utilizing the card of the same name.??I looked back into the Urza block to find every decent free monster or spell and slapped them in there.??I never did get 4 treachery for it but it would have been one heck of a deck if I had.??Essentially I would pull out Future Sight, and then play about 3 spells per turn after that, I could deal with creatures on the field till then using typical unsummoning effects and Dominating Licid, and a few cheap counter spells *force spike, mana leak, etc*.??Early game draws of Cloud of Fairies also helped.??I believe I ran Unstable Mutation to speed things up too.??Fun fun deck, oh yah it had Meloku also, that was a blast when I got him for the deck! xD
Red/Green Deck: I dunno how to describe this one, it was some deck my bf made at first he didn't like, told me to fix it and make it more playable.??Looking through his cards I decided to make it mostly a Red burn deck but with a little twist and a bit better capability to deal with an empty hand should it happen.??Howling Mine, Quirion Dryad, Mirri's Guile, these all played a huge part of the deck's capability to draw exactly what I wanted when I wanted it.??I also played pyroclasm, kird ape, basking wootwalla and some other junk I forgot.??I think we broke down this deck though cause my bf wanted to use some of the cards for his black/green deck he has.
Anyway I could talk about deck ideas for awhile, but honestly I haven't been playing that much, I'm more for the older cards, and hope that in the next block mono will be more seen on the field than the multicolor crap they are making right now. Also would like to see power levels of cards go down a little, they are a bit too much right now.
*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega
05-26-2009, 02:07 AM |
The King
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RE: Magic the Gathering
Certainly, if you only have like 10 dollars and want to try out Magic, you can build, or get a more experienced player to build you a deck of commons and uncommon cards that runs decently, for pretty cheap.
However, if you want to build experience at the game, you need to play against good players, I gained experience from playing competitive type-2, but a cheaper way to do it without having to spend 200+ dollars, is just to play 15 dollar drafts, you get to play against good players, how colors work, and you learn which cards are useful, and how to build a deck.I think drafts are simply the best way to learn and improve the game, in a fair environment where having 200 bucks or 15 bucks doesnt matter. And imo are simply the best format to play.
As for the current block- it's only bad in the sense that in competitive tournaments you need at least 50 dollars just in your mana to do well. Mono-colored decks are out, and you need powerful rare mana cards like rugged prairie and reflecting pool to get the mana you need. Making 2-3 color decks isn't hard, but to maintain competitive-tourny worthy speed you need great manafixing and the proper mana curve in a deck. (AKA- expensive lands T__T)
but I think the shards themselves are fine, playing shards/conflux/reborn drafts recently have been fun, not too hard to make draft decks that are 3-4 colors, even with only basic lands, and gives people who have a 'fear' of certain colors a chance to play em. I know I used to go 'I'm never playing black or blue' ever and now I'm more comfortable with them, I usually run blue/black actually nowadays in draft since everyone else loves to draft ban'ts white/green colors, so I get all the awesome grixis and esper cards people pass up.
Jund Manaramp is good, I believe your main hitters are tokens + chameleon colossus + burn/jund charm right?
I'm not sure how Cascade can fit too well into most decks in competitive, I've only seen the Bloodbraid elf in burn decks since they have so many awesome 3-mana stuff it can bring out.
If you don't have to play in standard, then black decks rock.
I play casually (and have a fun casual deck) at my university against some others, and this one guy has this super annoying zombie deck. A lot of -1/-1 cards, reanimating zombies, zombies all get +10+10 late game, and deathtouch, and often players have to sac a non-zombie creature each turn.
In multiplayer we alllll hate him. So much. Sooooo much. When I know he's playing his zombie deck, often I fish out my mono red burn and basicially kamikaze to kill him. Damn zombies
Proxyt- 95 Powpow Palaladin
AleithionP - 92 Knight of War
VerityP - 5x Super Service Novice
05-26-2009, 01:41 PM |