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RE: YGO 2009 on DS
Basically a turbo duel is exactly the same as usual YGO duel, except that you don't have any spell cards. Instead, you got "speed spell" cards. You get 1 speed counter to you every turn, a max of 12. You can only play speed spells depending on how many counters you have. No speed spell cards are restricted in quantity, and some old favorites are remade like harpie feather duster, and raigeki in speed spell form (usually using like 10 or more counters.) If you get hit for damages, you also lose speed counters.
Another word, play royal decree to shut out the traps, and if you can control the opponent's speed counters, you really got the battle locked up. You have to turbo duel a few times in story mode as well, but it's pathetically easy.
Essentially, it's YGO's attempt to add resource cost to the game.
06-14-2009, 03:42 PM |