I know this will most likely (Heck, very likely) Be way too hard to do, so this is mainly asking your opinion on it :\
Well, on Low Rates/iRO, even some mid rates, levelling is slow, and really boring if no-one helps you. I suggested this on a server I was helping with at one stage, but the server failed because it didnt have a techie (Going off topic...)
Basically, the Trans quest remains normal until you get to the Book of Ymir and go the Valhalla. And when you talk to the Valkyrie, she warps you into a pitch black room, where you can only see your character, and starts discussing a, sort of universal, timeline that would go along the lines of,
"When you started out as a Novice, the world seemed endless and free to you" And at that moment, you reborn to High Novice, "When the time came, you saw fit as to advance in this world, and take your 1st job" You then are changed into your High 1st Job.
"The world seemed to be much larger than you thought now, meeting new friends and establishing a place in the world. Then you started taking challenges, and such you will face again." You are then given Base and Job EXP and asked to make your way through Payon Dungeon (On Average, the easiest for every class, also allows friends to help you if you really do get stuck on it.)
In Payon, you simply need to make your way to the Mushroomy rock thingy in the biggest room (The one in the top right of the map) And talk to a Sage there, who said he expects you and he gives you more Base and Job exp, then tells you to find another Sage in the next room of Payon, this Sage is in the top Left of the map (And yes, these NPCs will be there for everyone, but have different dialogue if you are not doing the quest.)
When you reach this Sage you are given enough Base and Job exp to be Base level 55 and Job level 40. You then need to locate the Sage in the NEXT room of Payon to go back to the Valkyrie, and become a trans 2nd job, but are warned, that there is no going back. (As in, if you want Job lv50, now is the time to work at it.) And you are asked whether you are going to continue, if you want to get warped back to your save point, or if you want to stay here and level.
If you decide on going directly to the other Sage (Which is under normal circumstances pretty stupid) You can make your way to him, in front of the run down house that is open to the next room of Payon Dungeon (You hopefully know what I mean) He then gives you one final chance to turn back, then makes sure your skill points are fully allocated, and warps you back to Valhalla.
But it appears at Valhalla Demons are attacking! (Oh noes) Things like slightly weakened Deviruchi and Baphomet Jr are running rampant all over Valhalla (But enough so that you can kill them all) When you get there, the Valkyrie will turn you into you Trans 2nd class after a very small piece of dialogue, then asks you to demonstrate your newfound power against the demons in Valhalla, or just leave. (Light/Dark Allegiance points? :3)
Light players rejoice because these Monsters would give nice starting exp for your new trans character, Dark players... well, you got some allegiance points without any effort :\
Thats basically it, if you actually read that wall of text you deserve a medal (I tried to paragraph is to a readable level D
I know this seems, heck it outright is, pretty impossible. But Im wondering what you guys think of it, replacing being a 1st class TWICE, for TWICE as long, with a quest, that still involved some grinding if you want a job lv50 first class. (I myself would love this, but after all, normally people do like their own ideas
Well tell me what you think, once again, I know this isnt possible, so just tell me if it would be enjoyable if it was.